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빛과 그림자로 가득 찬 탕산 딩시물류오피스(Dingshi Logistics Office Building, A compound features courtyards filled with light and shadows) 01

지역성을 토대로 한 붉은 벽돌 매스 위에 얹힌 투명한 매스의 플로팅 루프탑… 햇빛을 가리는 변형된 알루미늄 그릴의 지붕 구조가 햇빛을 가...

등록일 2020년02월22일 21시59분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

빛과 그림자로 가득 찬 탕산 딩시물류오피스(Dingshi Logistics Office Building, A compound features courtyards filled with light and shadows) 01


지역성을 토대로 한 붉은 벽돌 매스 위에 얹힌 투명한 매스의 플로팅 루프탑… 햇빛을 가리는 변형된 알루미늄 그릴의 지붕 구조가 햇빛을 가리는 동시에 내부에 독특한 그림자놀이를 선사해




중국 허베이성의 광공업도시인 탕산에 빛과 그림자로 가득 찬 독특한 물류사무소 건물이 들어섰다. 4,617㎡ 면적에 2층 규모의 건물은 중국 북부의 도시 외곽 산업단지 내의 물류회사 내에 위치한다. 건물 주변으로는 잔디와 소나무로 구성된 넓은 정원이 조성되어 있고 남측은 주차장으로 활용되고 있다.


설계를 맡은 중국의 아크스튜디오는 8,087㎡의 비교적 넓은 대지 특성을 감안하여, 건축공간의 배치를 계획했고, 길이 85m, 폭 50m로 동서방향으로 길게 뻗은 단조로운 직방형의 매스를 앉혔다. 우선적으로 긴 직방형 매스를 3개의 매스로 나누고 이를 기능에 따라 절묘하게 연결시켰고, 지붕은 알루미늄 그릴을 덮어 햇볕을 가릴 수 있게 시도했다. 3개로 분할된 매스가 만나는 사이공간은 중정이 되기도 하고 복도가 되기도 하면서 공간 전체의 시각적 개방성을 극대화 시켜준다.


2개 층으로 계획된 건물은 중심성과 개방성을 통해 수평 공간의 개념이 십분 적용되어 있다. 1층은 벽으로 에워싸여 자못 밀폐되어 있지만 안쪽으로 열려있는 구조이며, 2층은 바깥쪽을 향해 한껏 열려있는 구조이다. 이러한 대비를 통해 건축가는 층별 수평적 평면 구조를 강조한다. 흡사 견고한 구조를 기반으로 살포시 올린 지붕 구조는 중국의 전통 건축물의 이미지를 떠올릴 수 있으며, 딩시 물류오피스에서는 투명한 벽 위에 떠다니는 루프탑(floating rooftop)의 기능을 충실히 수용한다.


각각의 층별 공간은 내부의 안마당과 충실히 자연적 교감을 이루며, 각 기능 블록을 연결하는 소규모 중정과 6개의 브리지, 야외 테라스와 계단은 공간의 효율적인 순환 경로를 만들어준다. 건물의 주된 마감재로 사용된 벽돌과 어우러진 유리 커튼월은 물류오피스 공간의 투명성을 더해주며 내부에 충분한 자연광과 경관을 끌어들인다.


건물 지붕 전체를 덮고 있는 4,000평방미터의 알루미늄 스트립은 평평한 지붕과 햇빛을 가리는 독특하게 디자인된 그릴 구조로 덮여 있다. 폭이 가늘어지기도 하고 넓어지기도 하면서 변형된 대형 지붕을 가리는 철제형 타공 그릴은 하부 공간의 빛과 그림자의 신비로운 형상을 자아내는 장치로 작용한다. 건축가는 빛과 그림자놀이(Play of light and shadows)를 개념으로 하루 종일 공간의 변화를 이끌어냄으로써 율동적인 상호작용을 생생한 장면으로 연출하게 시도한 것이다.


내부 공간은 3개의 블록에 걸맞게 크고 작은 사무공간과 다기능 홀, 리셉션 로비, 라운지, 공용오피스, 회의실, 카페 등의 공간이 정원과 중정을 향해 적절한 시각적 개방성을 이끌어낸다. 각 블록 공간을 중심에서 긴밀하게 연결하는 로비와 복도, 카페와 공용오피스는 한껏 개방된 구조로 직원들의 움직임과 커뮤니케이션을 차분하면서도 경쾌하게 담아내고 있다. 2층으로의 연결은 3개의 내부 계단과 2개의 외부 계단을 통해 이어진다. 층별 동선을 효율적으로 연계하는 계단실은 동선의 순조로운 연결은 물론 사용자가 생각을 가다듬고 정리할 수 있는 잠시간의 통로로 작용한다.


1층 업무공간에 비해 2층은 여러 개의 큰 사무실과 확장된 회의실, 멀티미디어실, 독서실, 헬스룸, 직원 매점 등이 자리한다. 전체적인 내부 공간은 투명한 유리월을 기본으로 외부 테라스와 옥상 정원과 자연스럽게 연계되어 있다. 이렇듯 딩시물류오피스는 지역적 건축 양식에 바탕을 둔 붉은 벽돌의 절제된 소재를 기반으로 살포시 올려진 상부의 투명한 플로팅 매스의 루프탑, 기능의 효율성을 반영한 수평적 배치 구조와 블록별 매끄러운 연계성과 시각적 개방성이 돋보이는 물류 오피스 공간이라는 점에서 건축가의 사려 깊은 건축언어가 깊이 배어있음을 엿볼 수 있다. ANN


Chief designer_ Han Wenqiang

자료_ARCHSTUDIO, Photos by Wang Ning


The project is an office building of a logistics company, located in an industrial park on the outskirts of a city in Northern China. The industrial park occupies a plain and expansive land area, which is adjacent to an urban road on the north and next to an unexploited urban land on the south. The office building was planned to sit at the middle of the industrial park, with pine trees, lawns and footpaths forming gardens on its north and west sides, while on the south side is a wide front court and a parking lot.


The architecture is 85 meters long and 50 meters wide, stretching in east-west direction on a site of about 8,000 square meters. Considering the site is relatively large, ARCHSTUDIO planned the layout of architectural spaces by incorporating courtyards, and created various indoor and outdoor scenes based on functional needs and circulation routes, thereby produced a light-filled, green and vigorous working environment.

The office building consists of two floors, which present totally different visual impressions. 1F is enclosed and inward-facing, while 2F is open and outward-facing. Such contrast highlights the horizontal layout of the overall architectural space. The building has a "floating" rooftop, a solid pedestal and a transparent space in between, which is similar to the image of traditional architectures to some extent. Several two-storey-high courtyards separate 1F into three parallel horizontal functional blocks. In this way, each room on 1F is connected with a courtyard, ensuring ample daylight and forming diversified landscape. Besides, the block on the south itself includes some small-scale courtyards. 2F has a large area of glass curtain walls, which mark off various functional spaces of different scales and also enable indoor activities to be extended to outdoor terraces freely. Six bridges link the three functional blocks of the building, generating efficient circulation routes and further dividing off several inward-facing yards.

The entire architecture is covered by a 4,000-square-meter flat roof and sun-shading grilles formed by aluminum strips. The grilles draw on the linear forms of surrounding farmland, and soften floor slabs. From the building's middle area to east and west sides, the interspace between aluminum strips gradually decreases. Besides, each aluminum strip features width variations and perforated surfaces. The steel-structured rooftop of the three architectural blocks and the sun-shading grilles together constitute an integrated large roof. It looks like a lampshade with interspaces, which allows light to filter down, and thereby turning the building and courtyard beneath into a "forest" of light and shadows. The varying light brings changes to spaces throughout the day. The rhythmic interplay of light and shadows, as well as human activities, together produce distinctive vivid scenes.


Focusing on the basic characteristics of office buildings and combining indoor and outdoor scenes, ARCHSTUDIO created a multifunctional working and living compound. The double-height reception lobby faces the front court, which presents a striking first impression, with courtyards and trees unfolding at its back. 1F is composed of various working spaces, including small and medium-sized offices, an open working area and a conference room that face courtyards, a multifunction hall that can accommodate 300 people, a finance office, and a settlement office, etc. Working areas of different departments are separated, so as to avoid interference. At the junctions of circulation routes, some leisure areas were set, such as a cafe which faces a courtyard with a tree, with a view to enabling people to communicate or take a break in a relaxing way. Three indoor staircases and two outdoor stair cases lead to 2F, the design of which fully took into account efficiency and smoothness of routes. The space organization on 2F is more flexible, which contains several large offices, an expansive conference room, a multimedia room, a reading area, a fitness room, the staff canteen, etc. The transparent glass walls closely connect each room to outside terraces and roof gardens, and integrate interior and outdoor spaces into a whole.

The office building is characterized by a restrained material palette, which focuses on the logic relationship between materials and space, integration between interiors and exteriors, as well as maximum expression of material languages. The front court, external walls of 1F, and part of the floor on 2F, are clad in red bricks, a type of material commonly seen on local historical architectures. From south to north, the red bricks together present an undulating image based on the architectural form. According to positions, space openings and functional requirements, bricks were laid in different ways, and hence presenting various formations and visual effects. Apart from bricks, steel materials were also repeatedly utilized, which can be found on indoor and outdoor bridges, staircases, door and window frames, and some counter surfaces within the space. Besides, work was done to endow part of the outdoor floor with slip-resistant quality. On 2F, perforated aluminum grilles were used as ceilings of interior spaces and covers of outside areas. Those grilles hide pipes and wires of lighting system, air conditioning and other equipment, which ensures the integrity of spatial interfaces and forms contrast with rough brick surfaces as well.


>>Han Wenqiang Associate Professor, School of Architecture of CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), Founder & Chief Architect, ARCHSTUDIO. Han Wenqiang was born in Dalian, Liaoning, China. He got a master’s degree in School of Architecture of CAFA in 2005 and since then has been teaching there. In his design practices and researches, he advocates observing and reflecting on physical environment with traditional wisdom, insists on a basic view that “space is a medium”, takes “design of relationships” as an important approach, creates forms based on physical objects, produces spatial ambience for the mind, and strives to achieve harmony and balance among human, nature, history, culture, commerce and space. His representative works mainly include Waterside Buddhist Shrine, Tea House in Hutong, Organic Farm, Twisting Courtyard, etc. He was a winner of Architectural Record’s Design Vanguard Competition in 2015 and Perspective’s 40 UNDER 40 Awards (Architecture category) in 2017. Besides, he has been included in the AD100 list consecutively from 2015 to 2019, which recognizes him as China’s top 100 talents in architecture and design.


Project name: Dingshi Logistics Office Building, Location: Tangshan, Hebei, China, Site area: 8,087m2, Construction area: 4,617m2, Main materials: brick, glass, aluminum panel, terrazzo, Design firm: ARCHSTUDIO, Chief designer: Han Wenqiang, Architectural design: Jiang Zhao, Hu Bo, Kuai Xinyu, Zhang Yong (structure), Zheng Baowei, Yu Yan, Wang Fu(MEP), Interior & landscape design: Jiang Zhao, Hu Bo, Zhu Yawei, Huang Tao, Coordinating design firm: Fengrun Architecture Practice

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