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시안 후지 해산물 레스토랑 믹스 월드 Wu Wei: Xuji Seafood Restaurant Xi'an Mixc World

Wu Wei: Xuji Seafood Restaurant Xi'an Mixc World Opens in Chinese Spring Festival - Strategic Catering Design

등록일 2022년04월28일 19시09분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

시안 후지 해산물 레스토랑 믹스 월드 Wu Wei: Xuji Seafood Restaurant Xi'an Mixc World

Wu Wei: Xuji Seafood Restaurant Xi'an Mixc World Opens in Chinese Spring Festival - Strategic Catering Design



The ocean does not repel any current, so it can achieve its vastness;

The mountain does not reject any soil and stone, so it can achieve its steepness.

-Guan Zi


With 22 years’ prosperous history, Xuji Seafood has been characterized by live seafood to broke through the weak era of Chinese catering field two decades before. It has expanded into over 50 restaurants all over China by now, and the brand image has been continuously upgraded in its rapid development. In November 2021, Xuji Seafood Xi'an Mixc World restaurant opened - which was designed by designer Wu Wei of IN.X. The creative space design of the new restaurant will contribute to the prosperity of Xuji Seafood background.



Project Name: Xuji Seafood Restaurant Mixc World

Project Location: Xi'an, China

Project Area: 960 ㎡

Interior Design Firm: IN.X

Designer: Wu Wei

Design website: www.inxid.com

Interior furnishings: Jin Shengxu, Ying Refraction, Song Jiangli

Design Team: Jia Qifeng, Liu Chenyang, Jia Chenjuan

Lighting Design: Zhu Haiyan

Installation Design: Lin Liqiong

Photography: Zheng Yan

Video: Xiao Shiming

Project Promotion: Lele Brand Strategy Agency



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