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Westerpark West_ 웨스터파크 웨스트

수변 공간과 조화를 이루는 5개의 차별화된 녹색 주거단지

등록일 2019년10월24일 09시30분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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Westerpark West_ 웨스터파크 웨스트

수변 공간과 조화를 이루는 5개의 차별화된 녹색 주거단지







네덜란드 암스테르담 웨스터파크 서쪽에 70,000㎡ 규모의 주거단지가 계획되었다. 12개 건물을 포함하며 약 750채로 들어서게 될 웨스터파크 웨스트에 MVRDV는 5개 건물을 디자인했다. 건축가는 녹지 공간과 건축의 다양성에 역점을 두고 차별화된 주거 마스터플랜을 제안했다. 네덜란드 건축가그룹인 MVRDV의 공동창업자 나탈리 드 프리스(Nathalie de Vries)는 “공원과 도시가 절묘하게 결합된 암스테르담 웨스터파크와 밀접히 연결시키고 건축의 다양성에 중점을 두고 디자인했다”고 설명한다.




길게 직선으로 배치된 수변 공원의 흐름에 맞추어 5개의 주거 마스터플랜은 웨스터파크의 풍경을 한껏 조망할 수 있으며, 중정과 로지아, 발코니정원, 옥상 테라스 등 단지 안쪽으로 풍부한 야외 녹지축을 이어가도록 계획했다. 웨스터파크 웨스트의 조경은 영국의 혁신적인 조경 설계사무소로 잘 알려진 구스타프슨 포터+보맨(Gustafson Porter+Bowman)이 설계한 것으로 2003년 암스테르담 베스터하스파브리크 주변의 공원을 현재의 경계까지 확장한 것이다.




MVRDV는 5개 유형의 이색적인 주거용 건물(Blend, Zout, Westerblok and two still-unnamed residential buildings)을 선보였다. 블렌드는 건물 밖으로 툭 튀어나온 퇴창구조와 옥외 공간을 결합한 여유 있는 생활공간을 갖춘다. 도시 쪽으로 대담한 돌출부를 형성하는 구조인 주트는 아파트 공간의 다양성을 반영한 파사드와 불규칙한 패턴이 돋보인다. 웨스터블록은 기존 건물의 변형된 구조로 초록색 외관과 다양한 높이를 형성하는 지붕 테라스, 나무로 둘러싸인 중정이 특별하다. 웨스터파크 웨스트의 지속가능함을 돋보이게 만드는 것은 지역난방과 열에너지를 결합하여 에너지 효율성을 높였다는 점이다. 건물 내부에는 케이터링 시설과 보육시설, 충전소와 공용 차량을 포함한 3개의 지하주차장을 포함한다. 이처럼 웨스터파크 웨스트의 주거 마스터플랜은 도시 속에서 이웃과 자연스러운 연계성과 수변 녹지가 풍부하게 결합된 그린 네트워크, 기존 건물 구조의 변형을 통해 차별화되고 역동적인 주거 환경을 조성해주고 있다.


손세현 기자

Architect_ MVRDV, Principal-in-charge_ Nathalie de Vries



What was once a grey, isolated office location in Amsterdam-West will soon become a green, lively neighbourhood of around 750 homes, thanks to MVRDV’s strategic master plan for a former ING office complex. Located in the Amsterdam Brettenzone, directly to the west of the city’s popular Westerpark, the plan includes 12 buildings, 5 of which are also designed by MVRDV. Placing an emphasis on green space and architectural diversity, the proposal for Westerpark West is a sustainable response to the ever-growing housing demand in Amsterdam.

“Amsterdam urgently needs housing in all sorts of sizes and price ranges, for both purchase and rental,” says Nathalie de Vries, co-founder of MVRDV. “Given the large number of homes that this project adds to Amsterdam-West, we have focused entirely on architectural diversity. The public space will be green and closely connect with the Westerpark. The combination of park and urbanity is unique to Amsterdam. Where else can you live in a park in the middle of the city?”

The 70,000-square-meter masterplan by MVRDV continues the landscapes of the Westerpark, dividing the elongated area between the Haarlemmervaart and the Brettenpad into five sections of between 90 and 250 dwellings each. This plot structure aligns with the street pattern of the area to the south of the plan, and allows for many green areas, which are favourable for water retention.

The landscape of Westerpark-West is designed by the London-based Gustafson Porter + Bowman, who in 2003 designed the park around the Westergasfabriek, extending the landscape of the Westerpark to its current boundaries.




MVRDV has challenged fellow architects TANK, Blauw, KRFT, Studio Maks, and DoepelStrijkers to design charismatic buildings that work together as a good ensemble. By varying the building typologies and the character of the public space, a striking neighbourhood arises in the middle of the city. The fact that green is an important element in this master plan is clear from the diversity of outdoor spaces, from front gardens and loggias to balcony gardens and roof terraces.

MVRDV itself designed the Blend, Zout, Westerblok and two still-unnamed residential buildings on the most westerly lot. Blend is a residential building with expressive bay windows that create extra living space and allow for enhanced views, with its combination of bay windows and outdoor space creating a green zone around the building. Zout has a bold overhang towards the city and a reduced footprint, with an irregular pattern on its facade that reflects the diversity of the apartments inside.

Westerblok is a transformation of an existing building in the ING office complex that dates back to the 1980s. The building will receive a new green facade and a staggered roofline that creates roof terraces at a variety of heights, all enclosing a courtyard with a wooden facade. The compact residential buildings on the western plot, some of which lean a little in order to open up the space and reveal vistas, have spacious corner apartments with expressive balconies.

MVRDV has developed an innovative energy master plan for Westerpark West, with a combination of district heating and seasonal thermal energy storage. Following the principles of material cycles and the circular economy, the masterplan will transform a number of existing office buildings on the site into comfortable and energy-efficient homes. The project also includes catering, a child day care, and three underground parking garages with charging points and shared cars. Westerpark-West has been developed in collaboration with HBB groep, iLINQ, DGMR Adviseurs, Pieters Bouwtechniek Utrecht, DWA, Techniplan Adviseurs and IGG.



Architect: MVRDV

Principal-in-charge: Nathalie de Vries

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Site Area: 26,000㎡

Programme & Size: 70,000㎡ residential masterplan

Partner: Frans de Witte

Design team: Fedor Bron, Mick van Gemert, Mark van den Ouden, Laurens Veth, Sander Bakker, Marina Kounavi, Anna Brockhoff, Gerard Heerink, Marjolein Marijnissen, Damla Demir, Catherine Drieux, Herman Gaarman, Clémentine Bory, Daniele Zonta

Partners: Landscape Architect: Gustafson Porter + Bowman Structural Engineer: Pieters Bouwtechniek Utrecht MEP: Techniplan and DWA Cost Calculation: IGG Building Physics: DGMR Sustainability Advisor: iLINQ Advisor: HBB Groep



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