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도시적 파사드로 구현된 Day Care Center_ 파리 유아보육센터

도시 환경과 조화를 이루는 다양한 레벨의 연속된 볼륨감

등록일 2019년12월30일 10시15분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

도시적 파사드로 구현된 Day Care Center_ 파리 유아보육센터

도시 환경과 조화를 이루는 다양한 레벨의 연속된 볼륨감


파리 유아보육센터(Day Care Center)는 작은 시골마을을 연상케 하는 파리의 남쪽 Gustave Geoffroy 거리에 위치한다. 거리는 전형적인 파리스타일의 고풍스러운 건물들로 둘러싸여 있고 이에 건축가는 주변 도시 환경과 조화를 이루는 지형에 맞는 건물을 설계하고자 하였다. 가급적 단순한 형태와 낮은 디자인을 통해 구부러진 도로와 불규칙한 대지에 부합되는 배치를 적용하고자 하였다. 이러한 접근 방식은 거리와의 높이 차이를 두고 경사를 줄이는 통합적인 디자인을 적용함으로써 사뭇 새로운 느낌의 도시적 파사드로 구현된다.




적용된 주된 개념은 서로 다른 크기로 어우러지는 매스의 연속된 볼륨감이다. 이러한 연속성은 낮고 높고 길게 처리되어 리듬감 있는 볼륨감을 형성하고 건물 사이를 비우고 채움으로써 다채로운 공간미를 연출한다. 3개의 볼륨 중 가운데 위치한 볼륨은 건물 매스 중 가장 길며 거리와 면한 흰 콘크리트 벽 사이에는 복지센터의 내부로 들어서는 입구가 마련되어 있다. 건물의 저층부의 벽면을 감싸고 있는 재료는 패널형 덕트 콘크리트(Ductal Concrete)로 태양의 각도와 일조량을 고려한 실험적인 디자인으로 건물의 독특한 패턴을 충족시켜 준다. 보육센터 내부는 외부와 비슷한 화이트 색채로 연속성을 추구하며 자연적인 채광을 통해 안정되고 편안한 환경으로 조성되었다.



내부공간에는 아이들이 자극을 통해 삶에 대한 통찰력을 키운다는 개념이 부드럽게 녹아있으며 벽체와 문, 창, 바닥과 테이블 등에 적절한 컬러와 특정한 모형을 통해 아이들의 감각을 끌어올려주고자 하였다. 모든 창의 조인트 부분과 프레임들은 다채로운 색으로 칠해졌고 알루미늄 또는 나무로 만들어졌다. 내부의 정원과 테라스의 바닥에는 컬러 쿠션으로 마감되어 아이들의 안전을 배려하였다.



이처럼 데이케어센터는 그 특유의 볼륨감 있는 형태적 구성으로 예전의 거리풍경과 부드럽게 동화되는 동시에 연속적인 내부공간의 흐름을 통해 아이들을 위한 밝고 경쾌한 수준 높은 보육시설의 면모를 보여주고 있다. ANN


Rh+ Architecture Architect

 사진_ Luc Boegly



The project is located in the south of Paris, in a small curved street, surrounded by historical and typical french buildings of the industrial period. The low density of the neighborhood, the street shape in addition to a 2.5m difference in height give the impression of a small provincial town. In fact, the curve of the Gustave Geoffroy street gives this execeptional site several constraints that have to be used to generate a well-integrated project to its urban fabric. The main ideas of this project are to design a building that perfectly fits in its heterogeneous urban surroundings, and also to provide a comtemporary and simple architecture, yet discrete and remarquable. This will, in the same time, highlight the history of the buildings nearby, and create a new urbanity.



In this way, the building has been designed on a base, to mark an urban façade that accompagny the difference in height of the street, reduce the slope effect and give a certain unity to the whole. On this base, a set of volumes has been placed in such a way that it allows different perceptions and perspectives and also preserves a visual connexion to the street. This project has a domestic scale, the succession of the volumes above it, makes it correspond with the scale of the other buildings. - The northen volume is the highest, it leans on the party wall of a five-story building which is also the most imposant in the street. - The central volume is the longest, it is also the building entrance to the childcare. The southern volume marks the entrance to the mother and child welfare center, a slight cantilever provides a visual continuity to the ancient «fosse aux ours». Buildings are implanted to harmoniously follow the natural slope of the street.



They are put in such a way that they don’t give the sensation of an imposant construction. This decomposed volumetry creates generous outside spaces and several point of views yet from the inside of the building and the street. The three volumes are made of white concrete and have angled roofs that remind the traditional architectural context nearby. Openings are treated with a central built-in transom, which offers fixed windows for children(the highest part are at 1.30m). The material façade used is the Ductal concrete(by La farge). The pattern has been designed in the office after many tries in real scale, to create a material that interacts with the sun and evoluates with the changing light, but also contrasts with the smoothness of the material facade of the volumes above. It unifies the ground floor and reinforce the idea of the base. A child care should be a place where children can developp their perception of live, and learning by stimulation. By giving a respectful, safe and confortable environnement.



Thus, this project has optimal natural lighting, with a maximum of glazed modules between the different areas(infants, children…) Each of these areas has been treated with a different color, to make the spaces fun and animated. The motricity room, and the playroom are widely opened to the garden, outer blinds protect them from the sun. Child stimulation is not only developped in a linear way, the richer the educational environment is, the better it is for the children. The project idea to design indoor spaces, comes from the thought that architecture should help stimulate the youngest’s senses. That is why we the building offers an architecture that is in the mean time : Tactile: Indoor spaces are treated with various materials, for example Activ’air Placo-impact for walls, coloured plastic grounds, windows at the height of children, resin changing tables… Coloured: Every indoor space has a specific volumetry and color. Besides, all the windows joints and frames are made in aluminum/wooden, lacquered in colours. The courtyard, and the children’s terrace are covered in a cushioned rubber floor with coloured circles


Rh+ Architecture

rh+ founded in 2000, by the two associates, Alix Héaume et Adrien Robain. Awarded by the New 2006 Young Architects Albums Competition. At the Culture and communication ministry initiative, The new Young architects Albums awards, every 2 years, few brilliant European teams under 35 years old, thanks to their projects quality, their capacity answering topical architectural and urban issues as well as their unique and specific course. In 2006, the jury has awarded RH+ Architecture as well as 21 teams among 260 ones.




Architects: Rh+ Architecture

Location: 17 Rue Gustave Geffroy, 75013 Paris, France

Area: 1800m²

Contracting authority : Ville de Paris

Eng. All Trad And Economists : Betom

Eng. Hqe : Cap Terre



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