거울의 반사성을 외관에 담아낸 Mirrors의 공간…
벛꽃나무길의 향기로운 풍경과 계절의 변화를 시간성과 색채감으로 디자인해
일본 혼슈 중서부에 있는 기후현의 큰 강둑을 따라 길게 늘어선 벚꽃나무길 옆에 카페 미러스는 다소곳이 자리한다. 해마다 벚꽃의 향기가 만발할 때면 많은 사람들이 이곳을 찾곤 한다. 그 벚꽃나무길이 가지는 커다란 장점을 십분 활용하기 위해 건축가는 두 개의 정방형 박공집을 이어붙이고 전면에 두 개의 거울을 설치함으로써 주변의 풍경을 오롯이 담아내었다.
하얀 자갈로 깨끗이 정돈된 마당 한 가운데는 동백나무 한그루가 심어져 반사와 상징의 의미를 더한다. 겨울에서 봄이 되는 계절의 변화 속에서 먼저 동백나무의 붉은 색이 개화하고 흰색과 연한 홍색의 벚꽃이 피어나면서 변화하는 색채를 담아내고자 한 건축가의 사려 깊은 디자인인 것이다.
건물의 외관은 갈바넘으로 칠해진 흰색 스틸로 마감되어 있고, 건물 측면에 설치된 출입문은 강렬한 붉은색으로 칠해져 있다. 카페 내부 천장은 박공지붕으로 인해 상부로 시원스럽게 열려있고 천장의 구조는 나뭇가지를 형상화함으로써 나무 밑에서 편안하게 휴식을 취한다는 의미를 담고 있다.
전체적인 내부 색감은 화이트톤을 주색으로 붉은색과 초록색이 벽면 곳곳에 넘쳐난다. 모든 디자인과 색채를 의도적으로 숲에 있는 것과 같은 분위기를 선사하고자 하는 건축가의 의도인 셈이다. ANN
Hisanori Ban Principal Architect of bandesign
자료_ bandesign, Photo by Shigetomo Mizuno
A row of cherry trees is planted at an embankment at its basin, and many people visit this location during the cherry-blossom viewing season. There is Mirrors along the avenue. Taking advantage of this location, we intentionally made repeated refractions of the tree. In order to amplify the cherry two mirror walls set up angle position and making a cherry forest on a corner of the town.
Overlapping the cherries and reflecting with a warp, the people are invited by it to the forest. In addition, in the café the people could see the cherries and the reflecting cherries at the same time and feel season changing closely. Especially vertical roof struts of motif of the tree blanch made them feeling of a rest under the tree. Between two buildings, white gravel makes more reflecting brightly and symbolically expressing the centre of a tree.
There are three trees in this site, and the trees are camellia. Camellia makes flowers before cherry blossom. First, camellia is out red flowers, second cherry is out pink flowers. We designed changing season of winter to spring by the colors. Exterior wall is white steel that is galbanum plating. Entrance door is red. Interior wall is red and green. Every design and color implies being in the forest intentionally.
Hisanori Ban/ Principal Architect of bandesign
Architecture has long life and difference from another design. I don’t design with an idea, but I do design for never changing. For example, the sun come up in the east, and set in the west. It is definitely never changing for ever. I want to design intentionally for long life. In addition, long life is closely related with architectural culture. Historical architecture is being existence strongly. Could you imagine the architect’s mind? If he were not enthusiastic, the historical architecture wouldn’t be existence. The design work might be for his life. It is clear that architecture is same as fine art, another art. I am designing every day, I hope to catch opportunities like that someday. Award_ World Architecture Community Awards 20+10+X 18th Cycle(US), Chubu Architectural Award 46th, Good Desing Award 2014 Best100, Aichi Prefecuture Housing Award 2014 1st Prize, JIA Tokai Architectural Prize for Housing Projects 2014, JCD International Design Award 2014, Good Design Award 2011, Aichi Prefecuture Housing Award 2011 2nd Prize, Career_ 2013 bandesign incorporated, 2007 Started bandesign, 2006 West Forth Architecture NewYork, 2004 abroad to the U.S, 1992-2004 Nikken Sekkei Ltd., 1992 graduated Tokai university department of architecture.
Architect & Desinger : Hisanori Ban, Kazumoto Terashima/ bandesign
Lighting design: Atsuko Fujita/ Koizumi Lighting technology
Construction company: Daisuke Oribe/ Oribe
Client: Seika
Location: Gifu City, Gifu prefecture Japan
Site area: 433.01sqm
Area: 99.07sqm
Structure: Wood
Exterior: Roof and wall/ Stainless steel, Galbanum steel
Interior: Wall and Ceiling/ plaster + AEP, Floor/ Mortal