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미래 자녀들을 위해 증축을 고려한 Afsharian’s House…

조각 같은 절개 면과 거리를 향해 여유로운 환경을 제공

등록일 2019년12월19일 09시37분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

미래 자녀들을 위해 증축을 고려한 Afsharian’s House

조각 같은 절개 면과 거리를 향해 여유로운 환경을 제공






이란 서부 케르만샤에 위치한 어프샤리안의 집은 부부와 그들의 두 자녀를 위한 3층 건물이다. 이 집의 특별함은 지극히 현실적이면서도 추상적인 외관이다. 주출입구에 면한 파사드 중앙을 절개해 마치 조각 작품처럼 조형미를 한껏 이끌어냄으로써 마을에 건축적 활력소를 제공하고자 하였다. 여기에 건축가는 건축주 자녀들이 장래에 새로운 가정을 꾸밀 것을 염두에 두고 수직적 증축을 고려하였다.



절개된 파사드 면이 2개 층으로 성장할 수 있는 가능성을 열어둔 것이다. 이러한 독특한 파사드 디자인을 통해 향후 증축된 후에도 주택은 우아하면서도 균형미를 유지할 수 있게 된다. 건물의 파사드는 주변의 건물과 붙어있으며 수평적 목재 마감으로 따뜻한 질감을 유발한다. 파사드의 절개 면은 흰색의 도장 처리되어 건물의 입체감은 더욱 두드러진다.



도로에 면한 지층부는 셋백되고 조경공간으로 처리되어 공공적 환경 개선에 일조하고 있다. 주택 내부는 목재와 벽돌 타일로 마감되어 쾌적하게 디자인되었다. 특히 거실과 면한 계단실의 중앙 공간을 보이드시키고 브리지로 처리함으로써 출입구에서 침실, 거실로의 동선에 색다른 환경을 제공한다.



이처럼 어프샤리안의 미래 성장한 자녀들을 위해 수직적 증축과 공공성에 기인할 수 있는 조각 같은 개념의 건물로 주거지역에 긍정적인 에너지를 심어주고 있다. ANN


Reza Najafian Architect & Designer of ReNa Design

자료_ ReNa Design/ Photo by Courtesy of Reza Najafian



Architects designed houses, which are categorized as artistic and cultural works of art, may morphologically be compared with real, abstract and conceptual paintings or even love stories. Afsharian’s house situated in Kermanshah-Iran with a 312sqm land area is a three-storey building belonging to a couple and their children (a son and a daughter).



Since the client’s prospective quest was to provide each of her children with a single and separate unit in future, we’ve come to a conclusion that this building should be designed in a way that it could develop from home to apartment. This demand would require a flexibility in plan and façade; which brought up a challenge to the designer to come to a solution which could look absolutely adequate and individually identified for the time and still look elegant and well-proportioned after the extension.



A sincere and simple project yet with a unique exterior design, was client’s another demand. Accordingly, with taking building height and width proportions into account, we’ve designed a square with a crack on it, converting the building into a sculpture emerging from the street. This solution not only exposes the entrance very well but also responds to upper levels space divisions in a convenient way. Respect to the passerby, which is a precious concept in Iranian traditions emerges in this project as it has slightly leaned backwards on the ground level. It also devotes a part of private land to public green zone.



Therefore, the building has stepped forward from a normal residential building to a city landmark with an elegant and spectacular visual quality. This has gone as far as transferring the subtle meaning of the project to the observer as well as the user and presenting them with freshness and respect. Interior design and space organization’s friendly, pleasant, spacious and amazingly bright environment is provided by the company of timber and brick. Experiencing a different environment in the project from the entrance to the bedrooms is provided by a suspended bridge over the atrium as a circulation access that would infuse a feeling of thrill associated with safety.



ReNa Design Founded in 2012, ReNa Design is a young design group active in fields of architecture, design and research. Led by Reza Najafian(previously co-founder at Zeta studio), the firm today consists of a group of committed architects, interior designers, engineers and product designers. ReNa Design is a multi-disciplinary practice involved not only in architecture but in design in general. Our vision expands far beyond routines of architecture to encompass broader subjects of art and design. To us, creating a single spoon or a piece of jewelry is as exiting and intriguing as designing a skyscraper. This flexibility in design has enabled us to incorporate in our projects –both architecture and product design- a wide range of innovative solutions and design processes. We are committed to exploring new methodologies that consider beyond normative conventions that dominate the contemporary practice and move towards establishing new and re-envisioned criteria and concepts for buildings and products.




Architect & Designer : Reza Najafian/ ReNa Design

Design Team : Maryam Najafian, Maryam Gholami, Mohamad Hosein Hamzehlouei, Sadaf Deylami, Mina Nazmjou

Client : Dr. Mandana Afsharian

Construction: Afsharian

Construction Drawings : Maryam Gholami

Location: Kermanshah, Iran

Size : 600㎡



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