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Vodafone Customer Experience Center_ 프라하 보다폰 고객체험센터

기업의 브랜드를 독창적인 공간으로 풀어 가상과 현실의 절묘한 만남을 유기적인 디자인을 제시해...

등록일 2019년12월12일 10시22분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

Vodafone Customer Experience Center_ 프라하 보다폰 고객체험센터

기업의 브랜드를 독창적인 공간으로 풀어 가상과 현실의 절묘한 만남을 유기적인 디자인을 제시해...






체코 프라하에 들어선 보다폰 고객체험센터는 고객들에게 상품을 보여주기 위한 맞춤형 투어공간이다. 영국 이동통신기업 보다폰그룹의 쇼룸으로 계획된 공간은 최상의 전자통신기술과 서비스의 노하우를 효과적으로 제시하고 있다. 공간의 중앙에 떡하니 버티고 있는 ‘원넷(One net)’ 파빌리온의 유기적인 디자인은 방문 고객들을 색다른 공간 세계로 인도한다. 마치 조개처럼 보이는 붉고 흰 유선형의 오브제는 바닥과 천장, 벽의 공간을 넘나들며 공간을 가득 채우고 있다.



원넷 파빌리온은 입구에서 시작하여 좁은 복도로 향하는 뒷부분으로 이어지며 고객들을 보다폰의 현실과 가상을 넘나드는 신비로운 체험 세계로 이끈다. 중앙의 오브제 형태의 파빌리온과 연계되어 유리벽을 사이에 두고 맞은편에는 또 하나의 유기적인 오브제가 정겹게 마주한다. 이러한 곡면형의 오브제는 두 개의 구멍으로 시각적으로 열려있다. 내부 공간은 고객들의 창의적인 사고를 돕는 동시에 사이버공간을 터치할 수 있게 유도한다. 전체적인 내부 디자인 모듈은 이동과 변형이 가능하도록 프리패브방식으로 제작된 것이 특징적이다.



공장에서 미리 제작하고 현장으로 옮겨와 각각의 크기에 맞게 현장에서 짜 맞춘 것이다. 파빌리온의 구조와 외형은 60mm 지름의 철로 된 관과 리브(rib)의 나머지 부분은 25×25mm의 철 자켈(Jackel), 바리솔 포일에서 사용되는 알루미늄 몰딩을 적용하여 구현되었다. 보다폰의 브랜드 색상을 효과적으로 표현하기 위해 붉은 색과 흰색의 혼합 포일을 5일 이내에 작업을 완료할 수 있도록 시도되었다. 전체적인 디자인은 IO 스튜디오에서 맡았으며 보다폰 고객체험센터는 체코건축상과 아이코닉 어워즈를 수상하기도 하였다. ANN


Architects_ Luka Križek, Radek Bláha

자료 IO Studio, Photo by Alexander Doborvotský



The interior design of the Customer Experience Center was created for the product presentation purposes to the Vodafone clients. The created platform allows the company's clients to get a personalised and tailored tour which reflects their individual needs and provides them with a 'know how' portfolio of the telecommunication technology and services. The showroom area has a familiar feel but yet boasts the most advanced technologies which presents to customer wide range of services and products. This arrangement of space which leads into the customer's tour firstly brings a relaxation zone from where the individual is intuitively lured pass the organic walls towards the entrance welcome zone. The main part of the presentation occurs at the central - Onenet object which leads from the back section via a narrow corridor and offer to every customer slow transition between the real world and the reality created by Vodafone. From there customers continue to another two, separated and differently shaped, parts where the tour comes to an end. An exciting opportunity was creating a space on the ground floor of the Vodafone CR headquarters in direct connection with the Fuel Cafe, which we realized in 2007.


The spaces are separated by a glass wall and thus in direct visual contact. Therefore the central object is designed with the main compositional accent directed at and in the plain sight of Fuel. Optically opened by two holes which are simultaneoulsy the main conceptual elements of artistic intention and provide an interesting through view back. The inside building solution gives the customer an unique space experience, evocative and touching on cyberspace. This feel is increased by the original and very atypically designed tailored furniture. This object due to the constructional design has a relatively large size and is close to the size of a larger garden summer house or small building. This is why it is classified into this category of architecture. This is what we hope will become an example of an office space. Vodafone plans to move its offices into newly built administration complex in other part of Prague, so we were requested by Vodafone that this Customer Centre object must be portable.



That is why the whole design module is mobile. All construction is designed in a way, that it can be transferred within 5 working days. A few interesting construction technologies were used in this specific building space. These spatial objects were created on a complicated-shaped steel carrier construction. We firstly composed them in relation to their size in the factory hall and then had to fit them together piece by piece in the final location. For the peripheral shape we choose a steel tube with a 60mm diametral, the rest of the ribs were created with a steel jackel 25×25mm. Subsequently the shape was divided into segments using aluminum moldings used for the stretching of Barrisol foil. We used the combination of red and white foil to create Vodafone branding color pattern. Another inventive production process was that we had to produce our own custom made furniture for this space.



IO Studio The Studio was founded in 2007 in Prague. Design and architecture work of studio has a strong influence of founder Luka Krizek and since 2011 studio is further enriched by strong individuality of Radek Blaha. From 2013 IO Studio operates in its own studio space in the old house from 1840 in the historic center of Prague. The office is connected to the showroom and gallery, where you can see creative work of IO Studio including furniture and product design. Work includes from a wide range of residential projects for private investors to public contracts or projects for international corporate companies. Another area of IO Studio product design and furniture design. All of these diverse projects, however, have a one thing in common anf that is that they are created with great passion, and desire for creative solutions and that all designed with the same care.





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