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Dreischeibenhaus Refurbishment

LEED 골드등급을 획득한 그린빌딩 뒤셀도르프의 오피스 빌딩

등록일 2019년12월10일 09시00분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

Dreischeibenhaus Refurbishment

LEED 골드등급을 획득한 그린빌딩 뒤셀도르프의 오피스 빌딩






독일 뒤셀도르프에 Dreischeibenhaus Refurbishment는 연면적 35,000m²에 지상 26층, 지하 3층 규모의 모던한 오피스 건물이다. MOMENI 그룹과 Black Horse Investments는 지난 2011년 이 건물을 매입하였고 HPP건축에 의해 새롭게 리모델링되었다.



새롭게 더해진 커튼월 파사드는 에너지 효율을 높인 것으로 외벽에 유리를 끼워 넣음으로써 햇빛을 가려주고 열을 차단해주는 역할을 담당한다. 파사드의 창은 각 사무실에서 환기를 할 수 있도록 수동으로 작동된다. 건물의 측면을 구성하는 스테인리스 마감은 깨끗하게 유지되었다.



리모델링은 파사드 개선 이외에 건물 경영 시스템과 서비스 그리고 내화성 시스템을 재개하고자 하였다. 전체적으로 1,200m²를 작업 공간으로 확보하여 방화시스템과 비상문을 추가적으로 설치하였고 로비는 본연의 상태를 유지하였다. 각층의 사무실 바닥은 모던하게 변경되었다. 각층마다 2개의 유닛을 선택할 수 있었고 건물의 세입자들은 어두운 녹색 대리석 바닥이나 서비스 코어에 스테인리스 스틸로 마감하였다.




새로운 개선작업은 저층부와 지하 주자장에 더해졌고 주차장은 지자체의 터널 시스템에 곧바로 연결되었다. 건물 루프층에는 두 개의 새로운 테라스로 변모되었다. 언뜻 보기에 건물의 형태는 크게 변하지 않은 것처럼 보이지만 에너지 효율을 높이고 도시 환경을 개선하였기에 건물은 LEED 골드 등급을 획득하였고 2015 MIPIM 어워즈에서 베스트 리모델링 빌딩을 수상하기도 하였다. ANN


Architect_ Karl Heinz Wolff, Claudia Roggenkämper

자료 HPP Architects, Photo by Courtesy of HPP Architects



The administrative building, originally designed by Helmut Hentrich and Hubert Petschnigg for Phönix-Rheinrohr AG(re-named Thyssen in 1964) is one of the outstanding icons of German post-war modernism. Used by ThyssenKrupp as company headquarters until they moved out in 2010, the building then stood empty. In 2011 the MOMENI Group and Black Horse Investments purchased the listed building and commissioned HPP Architects, successors to the original architects, to carry out the refurbishment.



The curtain wall façade was made energy-efficient by the addition of a new internal primary façade to the offices on each storey. The external load-bearing façade including the spandrels were left in their original state, the only change was to install impact-glazing. The windows of the primary façade can be opened manually to enable draught-free ventilation of the offices. The sunshades fitted between the two skins of the façade also offer thermal protection and even appear to be on the outside, such that, from a distance, the building appears unchanged; the familiar sight with its opened and closed sunshades remains. Due to the durability of the original material, the stainless steel cladding on the sides of the building was cleaned and retained. In addition to the works to the façade, a major achievement was the renewal of the building management systems and services and the fire safety system. The former were decentralised resulting in an additional 1,200 m² of usable space.



Thanks to the installation of a number of fire curtains and the provision of an additional emergency exit, the listed foyer was retained in its original condition. The office floors were modernised in order to create a flexible letting concept; up to two units per storey can now be achieved. The design and fit-out of the interiors was determined by the tenants, a number of whom opted to make reference to the building itself, choosing dark green marble floors or stainless steel cladding to the service core. Further refurbishment works were required to the lower ground floors and the underground car park, which now connects directly to the municipal tunnel system. Two new terraces have also been added to the roofs of the external slices of the building. The refurbishment of Düsseldorf’s famous landmark has won the MIPIM Award 2015 in the Best Refurbished Building Category.




About HPP HPP is one of Germany‘s oldest and most successful Architectural Partnerships. Founded by Helmut Hentrich, the company celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2013 and is currently managed by the fourth generation of architects. From the very beginning, administrative and corporate headquarters for major German companies have been among the company’s most renowned projects. These include the headquarters for various insurance companies such as ERGO, Allianz and LVM. The most recently completed projects include the Vodafone Campus in Düsseldorf, the Clariant Innovation Centre in Frankfurt, the maxCologne offices including the Lanxess Tower in Cologne and the LVM 5 Tower in Münster.




Architect: HPP Architects

Partner: Joachim H. Faust

Project Partner: Claudia Roggenkämper

Project Leader: Karl Heinz Wolff

Design Team: Fritz Altland, Sema Arda-al-Salahi, Detlev Armeloh, Ugur Aybirdi, Erwin Drese, Anika, Kessel, Markus Leiting, Heike Pauckert-Noelte, Florentine Struss, Marion Weiler

Client: Dreischeibenhaus GmbH & Co. KG(a joint venture of the MOMENI Group and Black Horse Investments)

Location: Düsseldorf, Germany

GFA: 35,000m²

Work places: approx. 1,200

Storeys: 26 above-ground, 3 below-ground

Height: 96 metres

Use: Office Building

Green Building: aiming for LEED Gold

Award: MIPIM Award 2015 "Best Refurbished Building"



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