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ODESA EXPO 2030 masterplan, Odesa, Ukraine

우크라이나 오데사 엑스포 2030 마스터플랜 제안

등록일 2022년12월02일 12시38분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

우크라이나 오데사 엑스포 2030 마스터플랜 제안 ODESA EXPO 2030 masterplan, Odesa, Ukraine

Zaha Hadid Architects joined the delegation representing Odesa, Ukraine at the 171st General Assembly of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) in Paris to present the ODESA EXPO 2030 bid proposal.




Future development in Ukraine will see a fundamental transformation of the country’s economy towards energy efficiency and low-carbon technologies. Zaha Hadid Architects’ design for ODESA EXPO 2030 targets the effective re-use of all facilities after the exhibition has closed, a challenge that all Expos share with major public events the world over; creating an Expo of the future where nothing is wasted.



Render by JK Lab

Architect: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)

ZHA Project Director: Manuela Gatto

ZHA Project Associate: Yevgeniya Pozigun

ZHA Project Leads: Thomas Bagnoli

ZHA Project Team: Ghanem Younes, Yun Yu Huang, Malek Pierre Arif, Zixin Ye, Catherine McCann, Jose Pareja-Gomez, Delyan Georgiev, Bowen Miao, Vera Kichanova, Yaniv Hatiel

Client: NGO 'Civic Council of the EXPO 2030 Odesa'


Dossier Development

General Contractor for Dossier Development: CIVITTA

Designer of the Dossier: TopLead

Masterplan Concept and Design Visualisation: Zaha Hadid Architects

Venue Planning: Lord Cultural Resources

Landscape Design: West 8

On-site Transportation and Mobility: Cundall

Sustainability: Atelier Ten

Urban Planning: Public Urbanism Personal Architecture

French Translation: TaskForce

Smart Expo Strategy: Jaanika Merylo, Atelier Ten

Preliminary Concept Development: Gres Todorchuk

EXPO Theme Ideation and Conceptualization: Gerd Leonard

Communication Strategy Development: GN Consulting

Modularity studies: ZHA CODE


Government and Municipality

Ministry of Economy of Ukraine

Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine

State Tourism Development Agency of Ukraine

Odesa Regional State Administration

Odesa City Council

Regional development agency of Odesa region


Ideation Support Partners

D-Group EXPO-2030




Visualisations and Multimedia

Visualisation: MIR, NORVISKA, JK Lab Architects, Zaha Hadid Architects

Multimedia & Animation: Morean GmbH

Animation: Beehive


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