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‘알루미늄 구조물로 마련된 상상의 숲에서 자유롭게 거닐다’

등록일 2022년09월20일 14시17분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

‘알루미늄 구조물로 마련된 상상의 숲에서 자유롭게 거닐다’

‘우리의 미래’를 위한 전시회를 위한 싱가포르 건물 구조 외피 디자인, 1만 1천개의 삼각 알루미늄 패널을 파라메트릭 디자인으로 조합한 상상력 넘치는 공간



싱가포르 과학기술디자인대학(SUTD)의 AAL이 디자인한 ‘Future of Us Structural Building Envelope’ 프로젝트는 복잡한 금속 구조물로 구성된 대형 외피 구조물이다.

싱가포르의 명소인 가든스 바이 더 베이(Gardens by the Bay) 공원의 ‘우리의 미래(The Future of Us)’ 전시회를 위해 AAL측은 싱가포르 국립디자인센터(NDC)에서 초청받아 구조용 외피 디자인을 새롭게 선보였다.



전체적인 디자인은 전시회의 주제에 걸맞게 첨단 설계 및 제조 기술을 활용하여 열대 지방의 건축과 자연 사이의 새로운 접목을 시도하고 있다. 이 거대한 구조물은 기공이 있는 복잡한 기하학 패턴을 바탕으로 서로 다른 약 1만1천개의 삼각 알루미늄 패널을 기반으로 튼실하게 조합되어 있다. 이를 위해 AAL은 파라메트릭 디자인(Parametric Design) 프로그램을 적용해 철 구조물의 조립을 위한 완벽한 도면을 완성하였다.



설계 과정에서 주광 요소와 바람과 같은 환경 데이터를 분석하였고 연대 우림을 연상시키는 음영과 시각 효과를 반영하였다. 지붕 구조는 폭이 약 40m에 달하며 구조체의 깊이는 20cm 이하에서 16m 높이까지 상승한다. 3개의 원형 돔과 공원, 도시를 연결하는 지붕 구조물은 열대 기후의 뜨거운 햇볕을 차단하는 역할을 맡으며 방문객들에게 평안한 공간 경험을 유발시킨다.

전시회는 싱가포르 사람들이 자신과 가족, 국가에 대한 꿈과 희망을 공유하고 미래를 향한 싱가포르 계획에 참여를 촉구한다. 싱가포르 사람들이 앞으로 어떻게 살고, 일하고, 놀고, 보살피고, 배울 수 있는지에 대한 가능성을 일목요연하게 보여주는 다채로운 전시이다.



마리나 베이 샌즈(Marina Bay Sands)를 비롯해 전망 좋은 호텔과 고급 레스토랑, 쇼핑몰이 즐비한 싱가포르의 대표적인 관광지인 메리나 베이를 배경으로 새롭게 들어선 ‘Future of Us Structural Building Envelope’은 낮에는 하이테크한 은빛 색채로 빛나고 밤이 되면 붉고 푸른 화려한 조명 빛을 머금으며 공간을 그물처럼 부드럽게 감싸고 도시를 아름답게 빛내고 있다.

‘상상의 숲에서 자유롭게 거닐다’라는 개념처럼 방문객들은 빛과 그늘, 조명이 절묘하게 어우러진 외피 구조물을 통해 다양한 공간 체험을 유발하게 된다. ANN


건축가_ SUTD Advanced Architecture Laboratory(AAL), 자료_ SUTD AAL, Photo by Oddinary Studios 제공



The Singapore University of Technology and Design(SUTD) Advanced Architecture Laboratory(AAL) was commissioned to design this large-scale structural building envelope for The Future of Us exhibition in late 2014. The visitors of the exhibition experience a stunning play of light and shade cast by an intricate metal lattice, like a ‘walk in an imaginary forest’. The exhibition itself at the Singapore Gardens by the Bay is an immersive, multi-sensory experience that offers a glimpse into the possibilities of how Singaporeans can live, work, play, care and learn in the future. The exhibition calls on Singaporeans to share their hopes and dreams for themselves, their family and the nation, and to participate in steering the Singapore journey towards the future. It is the capstone event to round up Singapore’s Golden Jubilee(SG50) year of celebrations and will be up for 100 days.

The Future of Us exhibition explores a new dialogue between architecture and nature for the tropics through the use of advanced design and fabrication technology.

The light-filtering effect of the project is based on about 11,000 triangular aluminium panels of differing perforations that produce intricate geometric patterns of varying porosities. The design employed state-of-the-art computational tools to analyse environmental data such as daylight factors and prevailing winds to provide a structural building skin that generates shading and visual effects reminiscent of a tropical forest. Through parametric computational tools, this analysis provided automatic construction drawings taking into account steel structure and assembly tolerances. The roof structure spans about 40m and rises to about 16m with a structural depth of no more than 20cm.

Spatially, the project connects the various programmes of The Future of Us exhibition. It directs the visitors’ path and allows for views of the adjacent city and Gardens by the Bay. The project reinvents the experience of a tropical space by providing a comfortable, unique, multi-sensorial and climatically appropriate experience to be enjoyed by everyone.

The structural building envelope for The Future of Us exhibition by AAL was based on an invited exhibition of its work at the Singapore National Design Centre(NDC). The exhibition at NDC show cased a prototype of a climate-responsive structure that the Lab was invited to design, develop, and showcase at the Venice Architecture Biennale in Italy in 2014.

As with the majority from projects from AAL, The Future of Us Exhibition involved faculty, researchers, and students from the University’s Architecture and Sustainable Design Pillar. For the implementation of the project, the Lab worked closely with Pico Art International, the event management and planning company in charge of the overall The Future of Us exhibition, the structural consultants S.H. Ng and Passage Projects, as well as the building contractor Protag.



>>Advanced Architecture Laboratory(AAL)

The Advanced Architecture Laboratory(AAL) at the Singapore University of Technology and Design(SUTD) investigates the increasingly complex relationship between design and technology in architecture. Its research and design projects relate to advances in environmental strategies, building structure and form, performance and energy, computer simulation and modelling, digital fabrication and building processes. AAL has received prestigious awards and recognitions including the A’ Design Platinum Award, Singapore Structural Steel Excellence Trophy Award, World Architecture Festival High Commendation, Singapore Design Gold Award, SG Mark Award, Singapore Institute of Architects Award, Gwangju Design Biennale Award and International Union of Architects Award. AAL’s projects have been exhibited at important national and international venues including the Venice Architecture Biennale, The Chicago Athenaeum of Architecture and Design, the Museum of Outstanding Design and the National Design Centre Singapore and have been covered by a variety of media including Channel NewsAsia, The Straits Times, The Business Times, Lianhe Zaobao, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, The Singapore Architect, The Singapore Engineer, Better Cities, Cubes, ArchDaily, arcspace, designboom, dezeen, e-architect, Stedebouw & Architectuur, baulinks and Indesignlive.



Architects: Singapore University of Technology and Design Advanced Architecture Laboratory(AAL)

Location of Project: 30 Marina Blvd, Singapore

Design Team: Thomas Schroepfer, Alex Cornelius, Aloysius Lian, Thomas Wortmann, Christyasto Priyonggo Pambudi, Yehezkiel Wiliardy Manik, Joel Yap Kar Jing, Amanda Yeo Qian Yu


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