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환상적인 계곡의 이미지를 만들어내는 암스테르담 밸리(Amsterdam Valley)의 건축 협주곡을 만들어가는 이야기 01

메마른 도시 환경에 역동적인 녹색 에너지를 부여한 삶의 교향곡

등록일 2022년09월20일 12시54분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

환상적인 계곡의 이미지를 만들어내는 암스테르담 밸리(Amsterdam Valley)의 건축 협주곡 이야기 01

메마른 도시 환경에 역동적인 녹색 에너지를 부여한 삶의 교향곡, 불규칙한 협곡의 웅장한 산세와 바위, 녹색의 자연을 형상화한 복합용도 건축물



암스테르담 자위다스 구역의 척박한 사무실 환경에 지질학에서 영감을 얻는 드라마틱한 입면과 싱그러운 녹색 에너지를 선사하는 독창적인 건물이 있다.

계획 초기 때부터 화제가 되었던 밸리는 세계적인 건축가그룹 MVRDV가 설계했다. 밸리는 75,000㎡ 면적에 67, 81, 100m 높이의 3개의 타워가 캔틸레버식으로 불규칙하게 쌓여 있는 아파트 복합건물이다. 흡사 숨 막힐 듯 경이로운 자연 협곡과 울퉁불퉁한 바위면을 연상케 하듯 건물의 다채로운 입면은 보는 방향에 따라 그 모습을 달리한다. 사무실, 상점, 케이터링, 문화시설 및 아파트가 결합된 입면의 표정, 4,5층 타워 사이를 따라 형성된 구불구불한 녹색 계단과 브리지의 다채로운 모습, 약 13,500개의 식물과 관목, 나무가 조화로운 자연친화적 주거 환경은 밸리의 지속가능하면서도 인간적인 디자인의 충실함을 잘 표현해준다.



내부의 다이내믹한 입면 구성과 달리 외부 가장자리는 매끄럽고 반듯한 커튼월 유리 시스템과 유리블록으로 덮여 있다. 주변의 비즈니스 지역과 맥락을 같이하는 동시에 공간의 효율성을 추구하고자 한 합리적인 시도로 읽혀진다.

거리에서 건물 중앙 계곡으로의 접근은 지그재그로 올라가는 계단을 통해 가능하며 지붕이 덮인 아트리움은 거리를 형성하며 건물 안쪽 깊숙이 방문의 동선을 자연스럽게 이끈다. 아트리움 상부를 뒤덮고 있는 불규칙한 2개의 채광창은 흡사 계곡 사이에 존재하는 싱그러운 물웅덩이처럼 공공 공간 내부에 자연광을 유입해준다.



밸리의 설계와 건설을 위해서 수백 명의 디자이너와 엔지니어, 건축업자와 컨설턴트가 같이 참여했다. MVRDV의 기술 전문가들의 맞춤형 디지털 툴을 통해 40,000개 이상의 불규칙한 패턴의 석재타일을 만들고, 198개의 아파트 평면 디자인, 콘크리트 건물에 11개의 특수강 구조를 연결해 고정한 기이한 캔틸레버식 타워의 엔지니어링 등을 통해 밸리의 혁신적인 공간을 창출할 수 있었다.

조경 건축가는 바람, 햇빛, 온도 및 유지 관리와 같은 요소를 고려해 건물의 각 위치에 적합한 식물을 선택하는 매트릭스를 개발하고 자동 관개 시스템을 밸리에 반영했다. 계곡의 저층부는 나무를 식재하고 높은 층은 작은 식물을 식재함으로써 계속적인 녹지 성장에 따라 식물과 생물 다양성을 충족시킬 있었다. 전체적으로 271개 이상의 어린 나무와 관목, 약 13,500개의 작은 식물이 220종의 다른 식물 종을 계곡의 풍경과 레벨을 따라 조화롭게 배치되었다.



4년에 걸친 건설 기간을 마치고 지난 2021년 말에 첫 번째 거주자와 기업가가 밸리에 입주했다. 오픈 행사에 즈음해 NRC 한델스블라트(Handelsblad)의 베르나르트 흘스만(Bernard Hulsman)은 ‘자위다스의 돌사막에 들어선 오아시스’라고 밸리를 평가하며 “수직 숲으로 둘러싸인 11개의 캔틸레버 건물은 너무 커서 떠다니는 것처럼 보인다”며 “다양한 모양과 크기의 임대주택 198채와 업무시설, 근생 및 엔터테인먼트가 혼합된 자위다스 최초의 건물이다”고 설명했다.



MVRDV의 창립 파트너인 위니 마스는 “밸리를 디자인하면서 살기 좋은 사무실과 주거 공간을 만들기 위해 고민했다”며 “밸리의 밀도 높은 공간은 베토벤스트라트를 따라 펼쳐진 삶의 교향곡으로서 일하는 사람들과 테라스에서 바비큐를 하는 사람들, 계곡에서 휴식을 취하는 방문객들, 동굴에서 쇼핑을 하는 사람들, 거리에서 저녁 식사를 하는 사람들을 위한 역동적이면서 인간적인 환경을 제공할 수 있다”고 밝혔다.



암스테르담의 스카이라인에 아름다움을 추가한 복합용도 개발사업 밸리는 웰빙과 지속 가능성을 촉진하는 현대도시의 변화에 새로운 영감을 부여하는 창의적인 프로젝트로 손꼽히고 있다. ANN


Architect_ MVRDV

Principal in charge_ Winy Maas

Partner_ Jeroen Zuidgeest, Director_ Gideon Maasland

자료_ MVRDV, Photography_ Ossip van Duivenbode




“Dream images can be made buildable”: MVRDV's Valley in Amsterdam is open

Valley, the dramatic, geology-inspired, plant-covered high-rise designed by MVRDV for developer Edge, was officially opened in a ceremony on Friday. The 75,000-square-metre building, which was recently declared the world’s best new skyscraper by the Emporis Awards, stands out in Amsterdam’s Zuidas neighbourhood with its three towers of 67, 81, and 100 metres and its spectacular cantilevered apartments. The building distinguishes itself in several ways: firstly, it combines offices, shops, catering, cultural facilities, and apartments in one building; secondly, unlike the closed-off buildings elsewhere in the Zuidas, the green valley that winds between the towers on the fourth and fifth floors is accessible to everyone via two external stone staircases. The building’s extensive planting, designed by landscape architect Piet Oudolf, hosts approximately 13,500 young plants, shrubs, and trees. As these mature over the coming years, they will give Valley an increasingly green appearance, making the building a manifesto for a greener city.




Valley is an attempt to bring a green and human dimension back to the inhospitable office environment of Amsterdam Zuidas. It is a building with multiple faces; on the outer edges of the building is a shell of smooth mirrored glass, which fits the context of the business district. Inside this shell, the building has a completely different, more inviting natural appearance, as if the glass block has crumbled away to reveal craggy rock faces inside replete with natural stone and greenery.



Various locations throughout the three-tower complex offer breathtaking views of the city – the apartments, of course, but especially the sky bar at the top of the tallest tower, which visitors can access via the Molteni flagship store on the ground floor. The building’s layout is tailored to a mixture of residents, workers, and visitors: on top of the three-storey underground car park, offices occupy the lower seven floors, with apartments located on the eighth floor and up. Much of the building is open to the public: from the publicly accessible footpath that zig-zags up to the central valley from the street level, to the Grotto, an atrium that forms a covered street on the first floor where the Sapiens Lab – a breeding ground for young scientists – will soon open. The grotto is connected to the outside by two large skylights that double as shallow water pools in the valley level above, and its natural stone flooring, walls, and ceilings – the same stone used on the surfaces of the valley and towers – makes clear that all the public areas of the building are part of the same apparently geological formation.

The design and construction of Valley is utterly bespoke, requiring the sustained commitment of hundreds of designers, engineers, builders, consultants, and of course the client. The enormously complex shape required a special commitment to fine detailing that further enhances the design concept. MVRDV’s technology experts created a series of custom digital tools to perfect the building, from a tool that ensured every apartment had adequate light and views, to a programme that made possible the apparently random pattern of over 40,000 stone tiles of varying sizes that adorn the building’s façades. Each of the 198 apartments has a unique floorplan, made possible by the interior designs by Heyligers Architects. And the outlandish cantilevers of the towers are possible thanks to innovative engineering, including eleven steel “specials” bolted to the concrete building that take the overall appearance to the next level.

Landscape architect Piet Oudolf developed a matrix to select the right plants for each location in the building, taking into account factors such as wind, sunlight, temperature, and maintenance. Trees, for example, are largely found on the lower floors, while the uppermost levels mainly support small plants. In total, more than 271 young trees and shrubs and approximately 13,500 smaller plants occupy the natural stone planters, representing 220 different plant species. In the coming years, the building will mature into the lush appearance of the design team’s vision as the greenery continues to grow. The biodiversity of this landscape is further supported by bird- and bat boxes as well as various bee and insect hotels. Maintained using an automatic irrigation system and by “façade gardeners”, the trees and plants on the terraces will positively affect the well-being of people living and working in Valley.

Valley combines insights in the field of sustainability, technology, and health. The building’s energy performance is 30% better than local regulations require, it has received BREEAM-NL Excellent certification for the commercial spaces, and the residential area scored an 8 out of 10 on the GPR Building Scale, a Dutch measurement tool that scores buildings across five themes of energy, environment, health, quality of use, and future value. The latest smart technologies are integrated in the office spaces, including IP-based Building Automation Systems and various sensors linked to monitoring actual usage.

The construction of Valley took four years, with the first residents and entrepreneurs moving into the building at the end of 2021. With the opening ceremony hosted last Friday by the building’s owner RJB Group of Companies and developer Edge, the project is finally ready to be occupied fully by the public.



Already the building’s striking design has attracted media attention and debate, especially in the Dutch press. “Once again, MVRDV shows that dream images can be made buildable,” explains Kirsten Hannema for de Volkskrant. “Using 3D software, in which the architects entered requirements with regard to daylight, view, cooling load and noise exposure, they ‘rationalised’ the design. The irregularly shaped facades eventually have about ten different angles, with the natural stone cladding fitted together like a puzzle.”



“An oasis in the stone desert on the Zuidas,” writes Bernard Hulsman in the NRC Handelsblad. “It is not only because of the vertical forest and the cantilevered building parts, eleven of which are so large that they seem to float away, that Valley differs from all the towers that have been built over the past quarter of a century between the Amsterdam ring road A10 and the Buitenveldert district. With catering establishments and shops on the ground floor, offices on the bottom seven floors and, above that, 198 expensive rental homes in many shapes and sizes, Valley is the first building in the Zuidas where working, living, and entertainment are mixed.”




Winy Maas, Founding Partner, MVRDV: “How do you make an office district liveable? What should the homes be like? What else is needed? Those were the questions we started with when we designed Valley. Instead of a one-note business centre, this site along Beethovenstraat in Amsterdam is now a symphony of life – people working, yes, but also barbecuing on their terraces, visitors relaxing in the valley, shopping in the grotto, eating dinner by the street, and even the window cleaners and the gardeners scaling the heights above. Valley is a first step towards transforming this part of Amsterdam into a greener, denser, and more human city.”

Reinier van Dantzig, Alderman for Housing and Urban Development, Municipality of Amsterdam: “As the Alderman for Housing and Urban Development at the Municipality of Amsterdam, I am proud to welcome this iconic building to the city. This part of Amsterdam is currently transitioning from being a solely business district to a more dynamic part of the city, bringing residential homes and various facilities. This exceptional building is a great example to showcase what is possible in terms of high-quality and sustainable housing in the Netherlands. And I'm delighted to see it as a beautiful addition to the skyline of Amsterdam.”

Coen van Oostrom, Founder and CEO, EDGE: “I am incredibly proud to have partnered with RJB Group of Companies, MVRDV, Piet Oudolf and the municipality of Amsterdam to develop one of Amsterdam’s most exceptional mixed-use developments. I want to thank everyone who worked on this building and our local government for allowing us to convert areas with exciting programs like this. Valley is a truly unique project that I believe will inspire others to rethink the way we build in modern cities, promoting wellbeing and sustainability.”

David Beesemer, RJB Group of Companies: “As investor, we were involved in the development of Valley very early on. We were able to add quality to the program of the building such as wellness with a swimming pool, a high luxury upgrade to the apartments and an extensive concierge concept. After four years, we are extremely proud to add Valley to our growing diversified portfolio and welcome our tenants to live, recreate, and work in the amazing concept that Valley is.”




Project Name: Valley Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands Year: 2015-2022 Client: EDGE Size & Programme: 75,000㎡ mixed-use (residential, offices, cultural, retail, and parking)

Sustainability certification: BREEAM-NL Excellent (commercial spaces)



Architect: MVRDV

Principal in charge: Winy Maas

Partner: Jeroen Zuidgeest

Director: Gideon Maasland

Competition: Anton Wubben, Luca Moscelli, Sanne van Manen, Elien Deceuninck, Marco Gazzola, Jack Penford Baker, Brygida Zawadzka, Francis Liesting, Annette Lam, Hannah Knudsen Design Team: Gijs Rikken and Gideon Maasland with Guido Boeters, Wietse Elswijk, Saimon Gomez Idiakez, Rik Lambers, Javier Lopez-Menchero, Sanne van Manen, Stephanie McNamara, Thijs van Oostrum, Frank Smit, Boudewijn Thomas, Maria Vasiloglou, Laurens Veth, Cas Esbach, Mark van Wasbeek, Olesya Vodenicharska Diagrams and Drawings: © MVRDV Copyright: MVRDV Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries



Building Owner: RJB Group of Companies Contractor: G&S Bouw B.V., Boele & Van Eesteren B.V. Landscape Design: Piet Oudolf, DeltaVorm Groep Interior design: Heyligers Architects Engineering: Inbo Cost Calculator: BBN adviseurs Structural Engineer: Van Rossum Raadgevende Ingenieurs Installations: Deerns, DWA Building Physics and Fire Safety: DGMR Parametric Design Volume: ARUP Real Estate Consultant: CBRE, Heeren Makelaars Images: Vero Visuals Graphic Design: PlusOne Model: made by mistake Photography: Ossip van Duivenbode



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