동양철학의 정적 미학을 담백하게 풀어낸 베이징 리턴 투 인노센스 (Return to Innocence)
장식을 배제한 절제된 본질 디자인을 주거공간에 담아내다
베이징의 안데르센가든에 무심한 세월의 감각을 느낄 수 있는 주거공간이 들어섰다. 이 공간은 화려함과 거리를 두고 내면의 의식을 깨워 차분하면서도 아름다움을 발견할 수 있는 곳이다. 동양철학의 충만함을 위한 빈 공간과 정적인 미학을 담아내고 있다.
집을 열면 전체 공간에는 순수하고 잊을 수 없는 예술적 개념을 담고 있는 넓은 영역이 자리한다. 왼쪽과 오른쪽은 손님을 위한 캐주얼한 다이닝룸이며, 앞쪽으로 더 프라이비트한 침실, 물품보관소, 불당이 들어선다. 각 신체의 자유로운 산재 및 친밀한 연결, 움직임은 명확하고 합리적이며 거주자의 단순하고 쉬운 삶의 태도를 설명하고 거주자의 영혼과 생각을 풀어준다. 스모키한 블루 엔젤 장식이 원시적인 식기의 스타일과 충돌하여 응축된 우아한 의미를 반영한다. 심플하고 깔끔한 원목 선반과 함께 다중 구조의 예술적 개념은 사람들에게 3차원적이고 틀에 얽매이지 않는 시각적 경험을 제공한다. 자연적으로 자라는 작은 나무를 실내에 심는 것은 공간 사이에 밝은 대비를 만들고 밀폐된 철근 콘크리트 도시 정글에서 멋진 시각적 향연을 만들어 사람들로 하여금 상상하고 생각하도록 영감을 주고 영혼 없는 생각의 족쇄를 풀어주기에 충분하다.
자연을 옹호하고 단순한 예술적 개념을 추구하는 것이 거실의 가장 큰 특징이다. 디자이너는 미세시멘트와 채도가 낮은 색상을 적절히 활용해 편안하면서도 안정감 있는 공간을 디자인했다. 가장 소박한 공간에 밝은 색상과 천연 소재의 소파를 수용하여 자연스럽고 조용하며 선 동양적인 미학을 강조한다. 소박한 질감의 식기, 정교하게 닦은 커피 테이블, 독특한 질감의 카펫, 각 항목은 흥미로운 온도를 발산할 수 있으며 낮은 색온도 조명 아래 실내 분위기는 조용한 조화와 흐릿한 감각을 나타낸다.
발코니는 천장부터 바닥까지 내려오는 대형 창문으로 영리하게 설계되어 무제한 조명을 허용하는 동시에 가느다란 꽃가지를 더욱 신선하고 우아하게 만들어준다. 벽과 바닥은 원래 생태학적 질감 또는 질감을 지닌 중성 색조를 사용했다. 모든 광택면 대신 무광택 면을 사용하고, 소박한 고급스러움 대신 영구적이지 않은 것과 불완전한 것의 아름다움에 관한 미학의 질감을 표현하고 있다.
식당의 전체적인 톤은 차분하고 절제되어 있으며 채도가 낮은 전체 분위기를 사용하여 깨끗하고 부드러우며 몽환적인 환경을 조성한다. 만발한 꽃들과 다양한 형태의 가구들이 극적으로 만나 서로 다른 불꽃과 충돌하여 공간에 민첩성을 부여하면서 따뜻한 예술적 분위기를 연출한다. 나무 테이블, 고리 버들 세공 의자 세트, 약간의 오만한 꽃은 너무 과장, 복잡한 장식 및 디자인 없이 집 자체에 의해 보존 된 단순한 자연에서만 세월의 황폐함을 설명한다. 미적 감각, 세심하고 비범한 공간 기질은 세련되고 우아한 공간 예술 형식을 보여준다. 이처럼 내부 공간은 밝고 튀는 색상이 없으며 복잡한 선 장식이 없으며 밝은 회색 색상이 침실 공간을 관통하며 디자이너는 사람의 본질에 유념해 공간을 디자인했다. ANN
Design Director_ Zhang Yong, Ma Xin of Touch Design
자료_ Touch Design/ Shengsu Architectural Photography
Wabi is full of appreciation and cherishment of primitive simplicity. It is not minimalism or emptiness, but a unique sense of indifferent years. In the most unpretentious realm, it has won the beauty that transcends time. Being in a space full of wabi-sabiness will make people calm down for no reason, with inward consciousness, to appreciate the beauty of the quiet space and discover the beauty of oneself.
This project is located in the prosperous city of Beijing. The designer takes the aesthetics of wabi-sabi as the starting point, and uses the oriental philosophy of static braking, empty space for fullness, and disability as beauty, to remove the lavish and gorgeous shell of the city and space, and let the space return to humanity. Inner resonance.
The space movement design is like the director's grasp of the movie's timeline, focusing on visual capacity and reasonable layout. From the moment of entering the space, the designer has made extremely detailed arrangements according to the different functional spaces of the living movement and housework movement.
When opening the home, the entire space is left with a large area of wabi-sabi beauty, which carries a pure and unforgettable artistic conception. The left and right sides are the casual dining rooms for guests, and the more private sleeping space, cloakroom and Buddhist hall are entered forward. The free interspersed and intimate connection of each body, the movement is clear and reasonable, to a large extent, expounds a simple and easy life attitude of the dweller, and releases the dweller's soul and thoughts.
Make full use of the aisle space, carefully set up lighting and display, and residents can always enjoy different and pleasant scenery. The smoky blue angel decorations collide with the style of primitive utensils, reflecting the condensed and elegant connotation. Together with the simple and clean pure wooden shelf, the artistic conception of multiple constructions gives people a three-dimensional and unconventional visual experience.
The cloakroom has a large and wide wall cabinet, and the texture of natural materials is clearly displayed, giving the space a feeling of comfort and freedom. Planting naturally-growing small trees indoors creates a bright contrast between the space and creates a wonderful visual feast in the airtight reinforced concrete urban jungle, which inspires people to imagine and think, and frees the soulless Thought shackles.
Advocating nature and pursuing simple artistic conception are the biggest characteristics of living room creation. The designer appropriately used "microcement" materials and low-saturation colors. At the same time, the objects in the space are not modified, returning to their original appearance, while retaining the natural incompleteness, presenting a sense of age and roughness. The entire space Brings a soft and relaxing sense of security.
In the most unpretentious space, accommodating sofas of light colors and natural materials, highlighting the natural, quiet, and Zen oriental aesthetics. Rustic texture utensils, finely polished coffee table, unique texture carpet, each item can emit intriguing temperature, under the rendering of low color temperature light, the indoor atmosphere presents a sense of quiet harmony and haziness.
The balcony is cleverly designed with floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing unlimited lighting while making the slender flower branches more fresh and elegant. The walls and floor are mainly in neutral tones, with original ecological texture or texture. The matte surface is used instead of all the glossy surfaces, and the rustic Instead of luxury, it presents the texture of wabi-sabi.
Art comes from life, and life is nourished by art. The overall tone of the restaurant is calm and restrained, using a low-saturated overall atmosphere to create a clear, gentle and dreamy environment. The blooming flowers and the furniture of different shapes meet dramatically, colliding with different sparks, giving the space more agility while creating Create a warm artistic atmosphere.
A wooden table, a set of wicker chairs, a few arrogant flowers, outline the desolation of the years, without too much exaggeration, complicated decoration and design, only in the simple nature preserved by the house itself. The sense of beauty, the meticulous and extraordinary spatial temperament, demonstrates a refined and elegant spatial art form.
Dining table, bookshelf, flowers, ornaments...The delicate material collocation creates a rich visual sense. Through reasonable planning, the designer enables the gourmet space to carry the residents' individual interests and methods, and promotes mutual emotional connection and communication. Here, the life of Fengyue, Tea, Wine and Qin Painting unfolds in full swing.
There will be no bright and jumping colors, no complicated line decoration, light gray color runs through the bedroom space, the designer pays attention to the essence of people and life, and feels inner peace. The artistic colorful colors and patterns of the wooden cabinets, the pale walls and the simple and soft bedding, lightly touch a clear and bright mood in the calm space.
The space has a delicate balance between delicacy and fullness. The low-saturation colors make people relax instantly, the gentle natural light is introduced, and the artistic hanging paintings bring the breath of nature to the sleeping and living space. The entire space is illuminated by light and sunlight, and the colors seem to be blooming, adding countless gentleness to the interior, bringing a soft and relaxing sense of security.
The bathroom uses natural collocation to create a simple and authentic atmosphere, while subtracting the space and giving the building a proper breathing space, it is also ingeniously shaped with meticulous details. From the shape of the furniture, the flow of space and color, and the placement of green plants, the designer is engraved with a confident and generous leisurely style, creating a simple beauty of wabi-sabi.
The designer has a "heart of wabi-sabi" in his heart, and shapes the space with the oriental aesthetics of wabi-sabi, full of respect for time and nature, and an appreciation for things that fade away from prosperity, strip away the appearance, and reveal the essence. Nature is back to the original, primitive and Zen. This case emphasizes the inner space and the dweller, allowing time to restore the essence of life, presenting a harmonious and natural spiritual hometown that seeks a sense of belonging. ANN
Design Director_ Zhang Yong, Ma Xin of Touch Design
자료_ Touch Design/ Shengsu Architectural Photography
Project Location:Andersen Garden, Beijing
Project Acreage:230㎡
Design Company:Touch Design(www.tj-touch.com)
Construction Company:Touch Decoration Engineering
Design Director:Zhang Yong, Ma Xin
Material Application: Spanish micro cement, KD, Eck stone, invisible door, floor, etc
Picture Production:Shengsu Architectural Photography