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중국 윈난성의 쿤밍 무시 웨딩 촬영 공간 MUSHI Wedding Photography Space

Cun FF Yang Xuewan l Love is Color

등록일 2022년04월27일 16시24분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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중국 윈난성의 쿤밍 무시 웨딩 촬영 공간 MUSHI Wedding Photography Space

Cun FF Yang Xuewan l Love is Color, 극적인 색상과 입체적이면서 기능적인 공간 구성, 예술과 상업 사이의 연결과 소통 



중국 남서부 윈난성의 쿤밍에 무시 웨딩 촬영 공간이 들어섰다. 중국의 디자인회사 Cun FF가 디자인한 이 공간은 마르크 샤갈의 그림을 모티브로 삼아 다차원적 체험을 구현하고자 한 실험적인 공간이다.



전체적인 디자인은 극적인 색상과 입체적이면서 기능적인 공간 구성, 예술과 상업 사이의 연결과 소통을 효과적으로 반영하고자 했다.



디자이너 Cun FF는 웨딩 포토 스페이스를 디자인하면서 커플들의 달콤함과 로맨스를 반영하고자 했다. 화이트한 표면 바탕에 청순하면서도 몽환적인 분위기의 블루로 표현된 공간은 마치 억제되지 않고 무한히 흐르는 사랑으로 가득 찬 마르크 샤갈의 파란색을 연상케 만든다. 마르크 샤갈의 독특한 예술적 언어로 변형시킨 것처럼 과감한 색상과 입체 기하학을 이용해 독특한 회화 언어를 구현한 것이다. 3,000㎡ 규모에 펼쳐진 공간은 차분하면서도 감각적으로 구성된다.



층고감을 살린 휴게실, 거울을 통해 굴절된 공간감, 웨딩드레스, 아트갤러리, 의상실, 스타일링룸, 주얼리 공방 등의 통합적인 기능들은 완벽한 균형을 형성한다.



합리적이면서 기능적으로 구성된 공간을 통해 방문객들은 무시 브랜드를 효과적으로 인지할 수 있고 자연스럽게 서비스 범위를 넓혀 시장 홍보를 강화하게 된다. ANN


Chief Designer_ Yang Xuewan of Cun FF

자료_ Cun FF/ Photography_ INSPACE|Yanyu, Naxin




Before the camera was invented, painters played the role of photographer, who used their paintbrushes to capture the objects’ texture, the light and shadow, and the moment when people fell in love... Among them, Marc Chagall, a Russian-French-Jewish artist of international repute used his brush to create a beautiful and dreamy world, in which there will always be his wife and hometown. "Love" is one of the themes that has always appeared in Marc Chagall's paintings.



In this project, Cun FF takes Marc Chagall's paintings as clues, unfolding a multi-dimensional experience exploration of the brand space. Through dramatic colors, the reshaped three-dimensional composition of space, and the functional division of multiple business models, the design has achieved the maximum connection and communication between art and commerce.



Picasso once said, "When Matisse dies, Chagall will be the only painter left who understands what color really is."

In Chagall’s artworks such as Lovers with the Blue Donkey, The Purple Rooster, and Lovers in the Sky of Nice, his wife Bella is always surrounded by shades of blue, that’s why some people say that the miracle of blue figured in Chagall’s long love story with his wife Bella.



When designing MUSHI Wedding Photography Art Space, Cun FF expected that this space should include the sweetness and romance of couples.

Therefore, the innocent and dreamy blue was adopted as the main tone of the space. As the VI color of MUSHI Photography, blue is applied in different materials.



To get the ideal blue color on different materials, the color matching process went through many twists and turns. After changing more than 20 samples and when the designer was about to give up, the most ideal color appeared.



The blue spherical installation, the blue stair armrest, and the blue glass curtain wall... all the blue colors are like Marc Chagall's blue full of unrestrained and infinitely flowing love.

Just like Marc Chagall absorbed the unique spatial concept of Cubism headed by Picasso and transformed it into his own unique artistic language, the space used bold color and three-dimensional geometry to form a unique painting language, expressing wonderful ideals and pictures.

Taking advantage of the original storey height, the designer transformed the entire rest area into a three-dimensional space, which was refracted through mirrors, creating a transparent sense of space.


Hoping to preserve the moment, Rabih asked them to take pictures together, then he put the camera on a rock and ran into the shot. He knew that perfecthappinesswouldonlycomebitbybit,perhapsnomorethanfiveminutesatatime.Sopeoplehavetoholditwithbothhandsandcherishit.

-- The Course of Love written by Alain De Botton


Whether Bresson's "decisive moment" or Wang Yao's "special moment", both photography theories emphasize the importance of the freeze-frame moment. The space created by Cun FF aims to assist photographers to capture the beautiful moments of the guests.


Different from the common photography space, Cun FF has integrated eight different functions as the art gallery, wedding dress, men’s styling, commercial studio, dressing room, handmade jewelry workshop, four-dimensional reception area, an office area in the 3000-square-meter project, where a perfect balance has reached in the exploration of artistic sense and functionality.


It is worth mentioning that in this 3000-square-meter space, there is an exclusive men’s styling room with shampoo and haircut functions, allowing professional barbers to create the perfect style for men.



All the fine functional designs not only make it easier for photographers to capture the best moments of the guests, but also broaden the service scope of the space, so as to enhance the market promotion of MUSHI. Even if the visitors are not precise customers, they may still recognize the brand MUSHI by an art exhibition or a cup of afternoon tea, which may be the biggest flow conversion brought by design to the space.



In September 2017, the brand MUSHI entered the public view for the first time; and in 2021, the upgraded MUSHI has gained great influence in the industry in Yunnan, China. The complex and highly recognizable space design has brought growth potential and possibilities, thus, achieving a win-win situation for all parties. ANN


Chief Designer_ Yang Xuewan

Design Company_ Cun FF

자료_ Cun FF/ Photography_ INSPACE|Yanyu, Naxin



Location: Kunming, Yunnan Province, China

Area: 3000㎡

Chief Designer: Yang Xuewan

Design Company: Cun FF

Construction Team: Chongsu Space Decoration



Yang Xuewan

Cun FF Partner|Design Director


2020-2021 Chinese Design Elites National Top 12

The 3rd and 4th ID+G Award Professional Space Design Gold Award

2016 CIID Space Design Competition Silver Award

2016 Taiwan TAKAO Interior Design Commercial Space Silver Award

2016 GPDP AWARD Silver Award

2018 SBID Awards Winner

2018 IAI International Design Award Winner

2018 IDS International Design Pioneer Commercial Space Award Winner

2018 Jintang Prize Dining Space Design of Excellence

2010 Hong Kong A&D Trophy Awards

2020 China New Commercial Design Awards TOP10 Designer

2020 IIDA BAP Award one of the 17 winners



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