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Minima | Maxima_ 미니마 | 막시마

카자흐스탄 아스타나의 월드 엑스포장을 빛내는 플레이스 메이킹

등록일 2019년10월31일 11시30분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

Minima | Maxima_ 미니마 | 막시마

카자흐스탄 아스타나의 월드 엑스포장을 빛내는 플레이스 메이킹






5321개의 수직적 스트라이프로 조합된 알루미늄 판의 구조물이 빚어내는 유기적인 조형물


카자흐스탄의 수도 아스타나에 미래의 공상과학 소설에서 나올법한 특별한 파빌리온이 들어섰다.

미니마 & 막시마로 불리는 파빌리온은 뉴욕과 프랑스를 기반으로 활동하는 THEVERYMANY의 대표 건축가인 마크 포르네스가 디자인한 것이다. 익히 THEVERYMANY는 세계 곳곳에서 익히 AMPHITHEATER, EDMONTON, MISSISSAUGA, SAN ANTONIO, SPOKANE, ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES, ORLANDO, RENNES, DENVER BOTANIC GARDENS, ATELIER CALDER, STOREFRONT, MIAMI ART BASEL, FRAC CENTRE-ORLEANS, CENTRE POMPIDOU 등의 플레이스 메이킹(Placemaking)이나 환경 조형물을 선보인 바 있다. THEVERYMANY의 작업은 공간 이용자들이 장소를 더욱 매력적으로 인식하도록 도형 기하학과 프로토콜(protocol)을 이용한 컴퓨터 기법을 활용하여 유기적인 디자인을 제시하고 있다.



이러한 파빌리온을 위한 마감 재료에는 파워 코팅 알루미늄과 5321개의 줄무늬 구조가 사용되었다. 파빌리온의 표면은 흰색과 핑크를 샌드위치로 묶은 다층합판 복합 소재가 적용되었다. 촘촘히 네트워크화된 표면은 6mm의 얇은 알루미늄판으로 구조물 안과 밖을 수직적 스트라이프로 휘어 감으며 적절히 분할되고 재조합된다. 바닥 플랫폼은 구조물 전체를 안정적으로 지탱해주고 지그재그로 엮이며 기둥의 절곡된 주름진 표면을 타고 상승하듯 이어진다. 상부의 경사진 표면은 서로 연속적으로 만나기도 하고 크고 작은 구멍을 만들어 내며 다채로운 시각 효과를 이끌어 낸다.




방문객들은 파빌리온 내부로 직접 들어가 신비로운 구조물을 체험하며 하늘을 올려다 볼 수 있다. 극소점과 극대점을 의미한 미니마 & 막스마의 다이내믹한 구조미와 공간미가 작지만 엑스포장 광장에 활력을 불어 넣어주고 있다. 파빌리온은 월드 엑스포 2017을 위해 만들어진 것으로 영구적인 구조물로 아스타나를 찾는 방문객들에게 호기심을 주는 동시에 묘한 감동을 선사하고 있다.


이영호‧양정훈 기자


Photographs_ NAARO






Minima | Maxima, the latest Structural Stripes 'Crawling Assembly' from MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY, provides a moment of contemplation amid the busy grounds of World Expo 2017.

Why, among visitors of all ages, does it seem instinctive to engage the structure playfully? For instance, to tuck one's body inside a pleat at the base, assuming a contorted curved form that matches the structure itself. To be inside Minima | Maxima is to be transported to a strange, future, science fiction world, removing us from ourselves and finding within a sense of naive wonder. The project is radically different than the built environments we know. The impulse is to explore, to visually wander. Transformed into a childlike state, visitors can do so without the pretense of reference or concepts, employing instead the potent investigative powers of our senses.




The project extends MARC FORNES/ THEVERYMANY's research and development into achieving structural integrity through ultra-thin, self-supporting structures which find their strength in the double curvature of their form. In the whimsical yet durable universe the studio creates, curves win out over angles; branches, splits and recombinations make columns and beams irrelevant. A 'networked' surface rolls in, on and around itself, transforming into a space that obscures our preconceived notions of enclosure, entrance/exit, and threshold, while also providing its own support to stand up. The surface is ultra-thin: 6 mm aluminum. If an egg were scaled up to the same height Minima | Maxima, it would be much thicker.

Towards the base of the structure, the rolling surface begins to softly corrugate, its zig-zag angles gently rising into a full pleat as they meet the ground platform. The visual threshold of this transition -- from pleated base to smooth and doubly-curved, continuous surface -- is subtle, yet its structural effect is significant in achieving the height of 43'.


The project is a multi-ply composite: three layers of flat stripes -- white and white sandwiching pink -- are constructed in tandem, supporting one another as they assume curvature and gain height. One layer never exists independently, but contributes to and benefits from the unified whole. The stripes of each layer move perpendicularly from one another, creating an anisotropic composite material (structural property of composite depends on direction) from an isotropic material, such as aluminum (properties of material are mostly the same in all directions).


The system warrants comparison to fiber technology - such as carbon or glass fiber - yet is unique in that unlike fibers, each individual component does not need to be in tension(a straight line), and/or their processing does not require any mold or temporary scaffolding. Also such a composite system is mechanically bonded, allowing for recomposition and corrections during construction.


Minima | Maxima was commissioned for World Expo 2017, an event with a history of architectural and engineering innovations. The structure was situated prominently on the grounds in Astana, Kazakhstan, where it will continue to live as a permanent structure. The environment it creates proved to be a successful destination and experience for visitors, inciting curiosity from afar, providing a moment of contemplation within.



Marc Fornes is an architect founder and principal of the THEVERYMANY a multi-disciplinary studio practicing architecture through systematic research and development into applied Computer Science and Digital Fabrication. His prototypical structures and unique organic environments are part of the permanent collections such as the Centre Pompidou, the FRAC Centre and the CNAP. Marc is a TED Fellow and was artist in residence at the Atelier Calder. His practice has been awarded New Practices New York by the AIA, the Architectural League Prize, Design Vanguard by Architectural Record, and the WAN 21 for 21 Award. Marc has been a visiting professor at Princeton, Harvard GSD, Columbia University, USD and Die Angewandte. He currently lives in New York.




Location : Astana 020000, Kazakhstan

Context : World Expo 2017

Commissioned by : Epazote Sa. Vladislav Sludskiy

Material : ⅛" Power-Coated Aluminum | # Structure Stripes: 5,312

Photographs : NAARO




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