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Gateway Sculpture at Pembroke Pines_ 펨브로크 파인즈의 게이트웨이

플로리다주 아열대 활엽수를 모티브로 한 노란색 조형물을 형상화해...

등록일 2019년10월31일 11시18분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

Gateway Sculpture at Pembroke Pines_ 펨브로크 파인즈의 게이트웨이

플로리다주 아열대 활엽수를 모티브로 한 노란색 조형물을 형상화해...





바람에 따라 움직이는 얇은 타 공판과 경제성과 유지보수성을 갖춘 스테인리스 스틸 구조


공공 예술은 단순한 장식물이 아니라 사용자의 경험과 장소성을 고조시켜 주어야 한다. 펨브로크 파인즈의 게이트웨이는 미국 플로리다주의 펨브로크 파인즈 시티홀 및 프랭크 아트 갤러리 앞에 설치된 이색적인 조형물이다.




마치 커다란 아열대 활엽수림을 연상케 하는 게이트웨이는 노란색 스테인리스 스틸 구조가 강렬한 인상을 담아낸다. 조형물의 상부는 잎을 형상
화한 얇은 판으로 구멍이 뚫려 플로리다의 연속된 산들 바람을 맞춰 회전하는 특징을 지닌다.



4개의 크고 작은 조형물이 한데 엮여 만들어내는 풍성함은 공연예술 행사나 지역 사회를 위한 제법 멋진 만남의 장소가 된다. 조형물 디자인의 아티스트를 맡은 브룩스+스카파는 남부 플로리다 해안의 혹독한 기후 조건을 감안하여 별도의 유지보수가 필요 없는 지속가능한 디자인을 구현하였다.




건축가는 제한된 예산에 맞추어 경제성을 고려하고, 재료의 내구성을 갖춘 스테인리스 스틸과 내구성 페인트를 적용했다. 이렇게 하여 탄생한 조형물은 플로리다의 덥고 습한 기후에 적절한 그늘을 제공하며 열대 수림과 차별화된 공공 광장의 풍경에 일조하고 있다.


김미현‧강선아‧송예린 기자

Artists_ Lawrence Scarpa, Jeff Huber, Chinh Nguyen, Arty Vartanyan

자료_ Brooks + Scarpa


Public art should not be merely decoration or after thought, it should enhance user experience and celebrate a place. As part of the new Pembroke Pines City Center that includes a public plaza, a 3,500 seat performing arts hall, the city hall and The Frank art gallery for the City of Pembroke Pines, the architect designed the Gateway Sculpture and attending landscape features to complement these activities and programs. Essentially Pembroke Pines was a city, without a city(no downtown or community space) and the new City Center and Gateway Sculpture provide a community anchor that did not exist prior.

With a limited budget, the architect worked with The Gateway Sculpture and landscape elements frame a pedestrian gateway into a new public plaza, providing way-finding and anchoring a sense of arrival. Designed as public art, the stainless steel sculpture emerges as tree columns that lead up to an array of perforated plates that appear to spin in the continuous breeze of south Florida. The experience under the sculpture creates a dappled light effect as you walk between bromeliad mounds—an experience like that of a subtropical hardwood forest. The sculpture provides a shaded area for seating, as well as programmable up lighting that enhances user experience day or night. During performance and art events the Gateway will be a meeting ground for pre and post-show activities, and a gathering place for the community.


SUSTAINABILITY OBJECTIVES - While the Pembroke Pines Gateway Sculpture has no mechanical systems, or other components that require continued resources from the utility grid the structure is designed and constructed to last well into the future and remain maintenance free from the harsh coastal conditions of south Florida.

A triple-bottom-line approach was conceived of that worked within the clients abilities and budget. This is achieved through material durability where stainless steel was used over mild steel to insure the longevity of the structure. A durable paint that is environmentally sensitive was also employed. Understanding the location is within a heavily used pedestrian path and gathering space, traditional powder coating could not be used simply for the ease of maintenance where scratches or other issues may arise. This allows for city staff to easily maintain the structure under normal maintenance regimes and was key to the economic sustainability of the structure. Another primary objective was to provide shade in the hot-humid climate of south Florida. The public plaza has a tremendous amount of hardscape and the Gateway Sculpture provides essential shade in order to maintain environmental comfort. Lastly, large planting areas surround the structure collecting stormwater from the entire building and impervious hardscape of the plaza. Essentially rain gardens, these planters include native facultative landscape material with vibrant color to enhance user experience and provide critical refuge and habitat to native wildlife.



Brooks + Scarpa is a collective of architects, designers and creative thinkers dedicated to enhancing the human experience. Honored with the 2014 Smithsonian Cooper- Hewitt National Design Award, the firm is a multi-disciplinary practice that includes architecture, landscape architecture, planning, environmental design, materials research, graphic, furniture and interior design services that produces innovative, sustainable iconic buildings and urban environments. Awarded the 2010 State of California and National American Institute of Architecture Firm Award for nineteen years of consistently exemplary work seamlessly blending architecture, art and craft, Brooks+Scarpa has also garnered international acclaim for the creative use of materials in unique and unexpected ways. The firm has also been recognized for pioneering more holistic approaches to delivering award winning environmentally responsive designs. While the Brooks+Scarpa team practices architecture with an extremely rigorous and exacting methodology, incorporating cross-discipline research and digital technologies, we remain open-minded, so that our work can adapt throughout the dynamic process of making places for people. Each project is designed to address our client’s needs, budget and specific site conditions incorporating important global issues such as sustainability and digital fabrication.


Artists: Brooks + Scarpa

Project Team: Lawrence Scarpa, Jeff Huber, Chinh Nguyen, Arty Vartanyan

Client/Owner: The City of Pembroke Pines

Fabrication: Wyetiweurks Art + Engineering

Engineering: Nick Geurts

Location : Pembroke Pines, Florida



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