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중국 장사의 아이스 앤 워터 월드, 5성급 호텔타워

Ice and Water World, 5 Star Hotel Tower, Dawang Mountain Resort Changsha, China

등록일 2021년06월16일 09시48분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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중국 장사의 아이스 앤 워터 월드, 5성급 호텔타워

Ice and Water World, 5 Star Hotel Tower, Dawang Mountain Resort Changsha, China



The Deep Pit Ice and Water World is located in the Dawang Mountain Resort Area near the city of Changsha. It combines different sports and leisure facilities plus supporting restaurants and shops with a total gross floor area of 120,000m². The 5 Star Hotel aside with a gross floor area of 60,000m² offers 330 high-class rooms as well as restaurant, bar, conference rooms and spa.




The buildings are integrated into the landscape scenery and positioned directly on top of a historical quarry pit and lake. The sculpted shell of the Ice and Water World spans 170 meters from cliff to cliff over a sunken and hanging garden creating a new functional leisure space of islands, water, cliffside pathways and ramps connecting the building to this natural heritage. This framed open space in between architecture and landscape is also characterized through a central 90 meter high glass cone providing controlled natural daylight down through the Ice World structure and on to the islands and water surfaces below. An eye-catcher is the cantilevered, crescent-shaped outdoor swimming pool that creates a 60 meter high waterfall into the quarry pit.

From the inside of the Ice World large glass façades offer views through to the natural cliff faces and hanging gardens as well as to the water pools and islands below. At the same time visitors walking on the cliffside pathways can also look into the building to create an interactive visual contact with the interior of the Ice World.



A separate sculptural 100m high tower on the south end of the site hosts a 5 Star-Hotel. It offers 270 high-class single and double bed suites, 60 Executive Suites and a Presidential Suite, all with impressive views to Tongxi Lake, Dawang Mountain and into the Ice World. A spacious central Lobby around the tower core contains a bar and restaurant on level one, flexible and multifunctional conference areas on level two and the fitness, spa and beauty facilities on level three. A special garden-plaza connects the hotel with the Ice World to a building complex of exceptional presence and design quality.

자료 및 사진_ © COOP HIMMELB(L)AU, Szeto Wing







Client: 长沙先导土地开发建设有限公司

Changsha Xiandao Land Development & Construction Co., Ltd.

Planning: COOP HIMMELB(L)AU Wolf D. Prix & Partner ZT GmbH

Design Principal: Wolf D. Prix

Senior Project Partner: Markus Prossnigg

Design Architects: Quirin Krumbholz, Tyler Bornstein

Project Coordinator: Lei Feng

Project Architect: Angus Schoenberger

Project Team: Paul Challis, Sorena Dumitru, Laura Ghita, Veronika Janovska, Philipp Scherl, Crystal K.H Tang, Xinyu Wan, Denitsa Parleva

Competition: COOP HIMMELB(L)AU Wolf D. Prix & Partner ZT GmbH

Design Principal: Wolf D. Prix

Senior Project Partner: Michael Volk

Project Coordinator: Lei Feng

Design Architects: Alexander Ott, Quirin Krumbholz, Stephan Sobl

Project Architect: Angus Schoenberger

Project Team: Tyler Bornstein, Paul Challis, Edward Chang, Miguel Sanchez Enkerlin, Laura Ghita, Phelan Heinsohn, Simon Hiertz, Halina Krzyzanowska, Maxime Lefebvre, Jan Markus Ludwig, Rymar Mateusz, David Neudecker, Donna Riedel, Crystal K.H Tang, Xinyu Wan

Graphic Design/ Presentation: Jan Rancke, Tom Hindelang

Structural Engineering: B+G Ingenieure / Bollinger und Grohmann GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany

MEP / HVAC: Buro Happold Ltd, Bath, UK, Steve Macey (Competition Phase)




Competition 1stPrize: 2013

Start of Planning: 07/2013

Start of Construction: 07/2014


PROJECT DATA (Status Conceptual Design)

Site Area: 150,000m²

Ice World Gross Floor Area: 120,000m²

5 Star Hotel Gross Floor Area: 60,000m²

Height Ice World: 30m

Height 5 Star Hotel: 100m

Depth of Pit: 60m




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