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'ZHA Close Up – Work & Research' MAM(The Modern Art Museum) 상하이에서 열려

전 세계 걸쳐 진행된 ZHA의 선구적인 연구 및 상호 연결 관계를 탐구, 스튜디오가 상상하는 방식을 변화시키는 혁신적인 기술을 조명

등록일 2021년05월19일 05시18분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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'ZHA Close Up – Work & Research' MAM(The Modern Art Museum) 상하이에서 열려

Exhibition at MAM Shanghai | 26 June – 15 September 2021, 전 세계 걸쳐 진행된 ZHA의 선구적인 연구 및 상호 연결 관계를 탐구, 스튜디오가 상상하는 방식을 변화시키는 혁신적인 기술을 조명해


KAFD Metro Station (Exterior) ©Picture Property of RDA - All Rights Reserved


세계적인 건축설계회사 자하하디드 아키텍츠(Zaha Hadid Architects) 'ZHA Close Up – Work & Research'전이 MAM Shanghai에서 6월 26일부터 9월 15일까지 열린다.


2010_Guangzhou Opera House_03_©Christian Richters

2012_Galaxy SOHO_Beijing_01_©Hufton+Crow


이번 ZHA의 전시는 중국 본토에서 열리는 첫 번째 전시로 1982년부터 현재까지의 세계 곳곳에 선보인 ZHA의 프로젝트를 회고한다.

ZHA 클로즈업 전은 지난 40년 동안 로마에 있는 MAXXI 21세기미술관(2010)과 베이징의 Leeza SOHO 등의 ZHA의 창의적인 건축 작업의 진화를 살펴보고, 6개 대륙에 걸쳐 현재 개발 중인 스튜디오의 획기적인 프로젝트에 드러난 혁신과 영감을 유감없이 보여준다.

1979년에 Zaha Hadid가 설립한 Zaha Hadid Architects(ZHA)는 전 세계의 상상력을 사로 잡은 프로젝트 레퍼토리로 21세기 건축을 재정의하고 있다. 자하하디드는 건축계의 주요 인물이었으며 2004년에 프리츠커상을 수상한 최초의 여성건축가였다. 1981년 처음으로 중국을 여행한 자하하디드는 중국의 자연 경관과 거대한 강과 수로의 역사에서 좋은 영감을 얻었고 이를 건축에 적용하는 방법을 연구했다.


Shenzhen Science & Technology Museum_render by Brick

Western Sydney International Airport


이렇듯 'ZHA Close Up'은 ZHA 아키텍처에 새겨져 있는 40년간의 실험적인 여정을 탐구하고 기술적으로 발전하는 일련의 과정을 짚어본다. 지속가능성에 대한 고민, 세세한 환경 분석 및 형상 최적화 기술, 에너지 절약과 친환경 건축 설계는 물론 로봇공학, 인공지능 및 디지털 제작 혁신 등을 엿볼 수 있게 된다. 또한 ZHD의 여러 작업에서 잘 드러나듯 가구, 조명 및 패션 분야에서 하디드의 기하학적이면서 독창적인 방법론과 시그니처 디자인의 우수성과 비전을 엿볼 수 있다.


2010_MAXXI Museum_Rome_01_©Hufton+Crow

2012_Heydar Aliyev Centre_Baku_03_©Helene Binet

2017_Generali Tower_Milan_©Hufton+Crow

2017_KAPSARC Research Centre_Riyadh_©Hufton+Crow


자하하디드 아키텍츠의 패트릭 슈마허 대표는 “전시를 통해 우리가 누구인지, 우리의 경험의 깊이가 얼마인지를 알아보고 현재의 선입견과 미래에 대한 열정을 효과적으로 제시하고자 한다”고 설명한다.

MAM 상하이는 7,000 평방미터가 넘는 크기로 상하이에서 가장 큰 현대 미술관이다. 황푸강을 따라 상하이의 문화적 거리의 중심부에 위치한 최첨단 미술관은 글로벌하고 다학문적인 접근 방식을 갖춘 현대미술을 위한 공간이다. ANN


자료_ ZHA

 사진_ Hufton+Crow, Christian Richters, Helene Binet, LaurianGhinitoiu  



Xi’an International Football Centre

ZHA_Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall_Render by negativ.com

Rail Baltic Ulemiste Terminal_Render by negativ.com

Tower C_Shenzhen Bay_Render by Brick Visual

Two Murray Road_Hong Kong_Render by Cosmocube


MAM Shanghai presents the first exhibition of Zaha Hadid Architects in mainland China, with a retrospective display of projects dating from 1982 to today.

Defined by a timeline of Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) formative works in China, 'ZHA Close Up' at MAM Shanghai explores the pioneering research and interconnecting relationships that unite their projects around the globe, detailing the technological innovations that are transforming how the studio imagines, designs and constructs built environments.

Running from 26 June – 15 September 2021, the exhibition examines the evolution of Zaha Hadid Architects’ buildings over the last 40 years—from the flowing urban spaces of the MAXXI Museum of 21st Century Art in Rome (2010) and Leeza SOHO in Beijing (2019) to the studio’s ground-breaking projects currently in development across six continents—demonstrating a consistent desire to innovate and inspire.


2012_London Aquatics Centre_01_©Hufton+Crow

2018_Al Janoub Stadium_Qatar_©Hufton+Crow

2019_Beijing Daxing Int Airport_03_®Hufton+Crow


Founded by the late Zaha Hadid in 1979, Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) redefined architecture for the 21st century with a repertoire of projects that have captured imaginations across the globe. Hadid was a major figure in the world of architecture and the first woman to receive the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2004. She first travelled to China in 1981 at the very beginning of her career. Like her birthplace Iraq, carved by the Euphrates and the Tigris, China’s natural landscapes and urban settlements have been shaped through history by its great rivers and waterways. Travelling from north to south, visiting many Chinese cities to experience its art and architecture, Hadid studied the methods that embed its historic architecture within the great theatre of natural landscapes.

ZHA’s competition-winning design for the Peak Club in Hong Kong (1982-1983) manifests Hadid’s investigations into the fluid relationships between building and site, interior and exterior, architecture and engineering. Defined by the topography of the surrounding mountainside, in this and later seminal projects such as the Guangzhou Opera House (2010) and Beijing Daxing International Airport (2019), ZHA’s work echoes the coherence of the nature in an organic architectural language generating unrivalled spatial experiences that are intuitive to navigate and recognised around the world.

'ZHA Close Up' explores the journey of four decades of experimentation that are inscribed within ZHA’s architecture and has seen their designs become more spatially inventive, more structurally efficient, more technologically advanced and more environmentally sensitive with each new design and positions their work at the forefront of architectural practice.

Showcasing projects that have received highest honours from civic, professional and academic institutions worldwide, 'ZHA Close Up' will present the studio’s pioneering research to improve how the industry designs and constructs:

Sustainability- the application of detailed environmental analysis and geometry optimization techniques to maximize efficient design with less waste and consumption of resources. Computation & Design- collaboration with the world’s most respected scientific institutions to develop innovations in robotics, artificial intelligence and digital fabrication. ZH Social- investigation of the social interaction processes to be expected in the designed environments via agent-based simulations with differentiated agent populations and decision processes. Analytics & Insights- data analytics and human behaviour modelling to design healthy and productive working environments that are tailor-made to overall and individual wellness.

Virtual Reality- demonstrating the remarkable possibilities immersive technologies will offer architects to collaborate and design in augmented reality. 


2019_Leeza SOHO_Beijing_03_©Hufton+Crow

2020_One Thousand Museum_Miami_02_©Hufton+Crow



The exhibition will also present Zaha Hadid Design (ZHD), formed in 2006 out of a need to create a separate platform to share Hadid’s distinct dialogue of contemporary design, although the ZHD portfolio encompasses 40 years of research. Today it is defined by Hadid’s inventive methodology and signature design in furniture, lighting and fashion which transcends boundaries and has a global following. ZHD has partnered with iconic brands to create exceptional one-off and limited edition pieces which form part of some of the world’s most esteemed museum collections. Each piece effortlessly conveys immaculate craftsmanship and Hadid’s virtuosity with fluid geometry. Launched in 2014 under its own label, the ‘ZHD Collection’ further expresses Hadid’s vision in an uncompromising pursuit of excellence and non-conformity to define the acclaimed brand and ensure its timeless and revered presence within the design world.


Bee'ah Headquarters_Sharjah_Render by MIR 

CECEP Shanghai Campus_Render by Negativ

Ecopark Stadium_Render-by-MIR

Fornebu Senter Station_Platforms_render by negativ


Shai Baitel, Artistic Director of MAM Shanghai, said: “I am excited to include, as part of our interdisciplinary and immersive approach at MAM, this important exhibition, celebrating Zaha Hadid's ingenuity. Hadid was an exceptional woman, and we are delighted to show our audience the development of her movement as a researcher, designer, and architect through various geographies and histories—and how this movement impacts the current innovative vision and work of Zaha Hadid Architects, following her untimely passing. Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) continues and expands on her legacy and MAM is proud to present this show, granting unprecedented insights into the vision of one of the most important architects of our time."

Patrik Schumacher, Principal, Zaha Hadid Architects, said: “With this show we aim to present who we are close up, our depth of experience, our current preoccupations, and our aspirations for the future.”

MAM Shanghai is the largest contemporary art museum in Shanghai, measuring over 7,000 square meters. The state of the art museum located at the heart of Shanghai’s cultural mile along the Huangpu River is a premier institution for contemporary art with a global and multidisciplinary approach.


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