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온두라스 로아탄 섬의 ‘로아탄 프로스페라 레지던스’ Roatán Próspera Residences, Roatán Island, Honduras 01

지역 환경에 부합한 로아탄 프로스페라 레지던스의 차별화된 디지털 건축 플랫폼

등록일 2020년08월03일 10시01분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

온두라스 로아탄 섬의 로아탄 프로스페라 레지던스 01.

카리브해의 기후, 지형, 문화적 특성을 감안한 생태적·사회적 대응 건축 모델



중앙아메리카 카리브 해의 온두라스령의 베이제도 섬 가운데 제법 규모가 큰 로아탄 섬(Roatán)은 우틸라(Utila) 섬과 구아나야(Guanaja) 섬 사이에 위치한다. 온두라스 본토로부터 60km에 자리한 로아탄 섬은 주변 바다가 거대한 암초로 둘러싸여 있어 다이빙과 스노클링, 낚시와 크루즈 관광의 명소로 유명하다.

AKT II와 힐슨 모란과 협업한 자하하디드 아키텍츠는 지역 환경에 적합한 로아탄 프로스페라 레지던스를 위한 독특한 디지털 건축 플랫폼을 개발했다. 로아탄 프로스페라 주거 프로젝트는 카리브해의 기후, 지형, 문화적 특성을 감안한 생태적·사회적 대응 건축 모델인 것이다.



전체적인 디자인은 지역적 전통성을 기반으로 새로운 디지털 건축 기법, 엔지니어링 등을 통합해 개발한 모듈형 시스템을 추구한다. 건축물을 구성하는 재료 역시 온두라스 본토에서 조달한 지속가능한 목재를 사용함으로써 폐자재와 개발로 야기되는 환경오염을 최소화하고 에너지 효율성을 높일 수 있는 방안을 십분 적용한다. 모듈식 조립 시스템을 통해 상당수의 건축자재가 지역 공급망과 운송 및 설치를 기반으로 한 비용제어 솔루션으로 조달할 수 있기에 폐자재가 감소하고 건설 품질의 정밀도를 높일 수 있게 된다. 주택 건설에 반영된 디지털 플랫폼은 가족 구성원의 특정한 공간 요구를 적절히 수용하고, 자원 및 비용을 이웃과 공유하며, 어린이 놀이 공간과 같은 공동 모듈에 유연성을 부여하는 데 사용된다. 디지털 플랫폼은 표준화된 부품의 다양한 구성을 적용하여 각 주택 소유자에게 적합한 개별 거주 공간을 제안한다.


제조 및 조립(DFMA) 방식을 도입한 설계 구조는 부품의 구조 키트 시스템에 주도면밀하게 반영했으며, 모듈식 키트를 통해 신속히 조립과 분해가 가능하다. 이처럼 디지털 구성 플랫폼은 주택 소유자들이 그들의 집을 계획하고 지역 공급자들과 연결할 수 있게 해주며, 건물의 디지털화에 따른 건설과 운영상의 이익을 가져다준다.

구조물을 형성하는 기초 목재 유닛의 치수 역시 탄소 배출의 최소화와 물류비용을 최소화하는 방식으로 설정되었다. 경량 목재를 활용해 미리 외부에서 제작한 조립 시스템을 통해 건설 현장의 고유 동식물군을 최대한 보호할 수 있게 된다. 현장에서 빠르게 조립하는 부품 키트 시스템은 지역 공예가와 유통회사, 건설팀이 함께 만들어내고, 자연스럽게 지식과 경험을 공유함으로써 지역 사회와의 긍정적인 관계를 이어갈 수 있게 된다.



환경을 고려해 개발한 친환경 설비 방식으로 해풍을 활용한 자연냉각 방식을 적용함으로써 건축물의 온도를 낮추고 열적 쾌적성을 획기적으로 개선한다. 이와 동시에 건축물의 에너지 소비를 줄이며 재생 가능한 친환경 자원을 효과적으로 활용할 수 있게 된다. 자연 냉각 시스템을 통해 수확된 물은 별도의 여과 방식을 거쳐 각 가정에 제공된다. 또한 재생 발전용 태양광을 반영한 음영 캐노피를 통해 전기를 저장할 수 있어 자급자족형 탄소 제로 시스템을 지향하고 있다.



온두라스 프로스페라 LLC의 에릭 A 브리멘 CEO는 “유명한 관광지가 된 로아탄 섬의 프로스페라 레지던스 프로젝트는 지역 생태 환경에 순응하면서 지역경제를 강화할 수 있는 지속가능한 개발을 필수적으로 디자인에 반영하고자 한다”고 밝혔다.

각 거주지의 설계와 개발의 전체적인 구성은 일관성 있는 파라메트릭 접근 방식으로 산출되었다. 주거 모델의 입체 화상을 구성하는 3D 화소인 복셀의 배치는 치밀하게 계산된 알고리즘을 적용한다. 각각의 주거 유닛을 형성하는 복셀 당 면적은 35㎡의 스튜디오(1복셀)와 175㎡의 가족주택(5복셀)까지 다양하게 제공된다. 주택 소유자들은 복셀 수에 맞는 플랫폼을 활용해 거주지의 공간 배치를 적용한다. 최대 5개의 복셀을 구성하기 위해 최소한 15,000개의 다른 변형을 적용한다. 이 획기적인 플랫폼 개발을 위해 ZHA(ZHCODE)의 컴퓨테이셔널 디자인그룹과 AKT II, (P.ART)의 컴퓨테이셔널 엔지니어링팀에 의해 개발된 파라메트릭 디자인 소프트웨어를 적용했다.



이처럼 디지털 디자인과 제작 방법을 채택한 로아탄 프로스페라 레지던스는 지역 전통문화와 부합한 차별화된 모듈식 시스템과 친환경적인 기술과 경험을 주거건축에 절묘하게 통합한 디자인으로 평가할 수 있다. ANN


Design & Technology Platform_ Zaha Hadid Architects: Patrik Schumacher (Principal), Shajay Bhooshan, Henry Louth, Vishu Bhooshan, Cesar Fragachan, Jianfei Chu, Federico Borello, Georgios Pasisis with support from Tommaso Casucci, Leo Bieling and Ryan Hughes

Structural Engineering_ AKT II, Environmental Engineering_ Hilson Moran, 자료_ ZHA



Zaha Hadid Architects with AKT II and Hilson Moran Partnership have developed a digital architectural platform to create homes for Roatán Próspera. The residential designs are a specific ecological and social response to the climate, terrain and culture of Roatán in the Caribbean, the largest of the Bay Islands of Honduras.

The designs learn from the wisdom of the past, integrating the local vernacular tradition of timber construction, climatic appropriateness and spatial experience with new digital design, engineering and construction techniques.

Working with AKT II, the design approach starts from a comprehensive understanding of the local supply chain, logistics and construction techniques to promote the use of local materials, craftsmanship and manufacturing facilities which support the economy of the region.

The design’s modular system is founded on the use of sustainable timber, sourced nearby from certified forests on the Honduran mainland and treated locally, to form the main structural elements. Digital information technologies will optimize the use of all parts of the sustainably-forested logs to minimize waste and pollution. This process also contributes to reducing the embedded construction energy and carbon footprint of the development.

Erick A. Brimen, CEO of Honduras Próspera LLC, explains: “The design prioritizes sustainability and is integral to our vision for Roatán Próspera. The island of Roatán is already a renowned tourist destination. Roatán Próspera will strengthen and diversify the local economy while creating homes defined by their natural environment.”

With considerable reductions in waste material, and a higher quality of construction due to the greater precision achieved by off-site fabrication, this modular system of assembly is a cost-controlled solution specifically tailored to local supply chains, transportation and installation.



The dimensions of the structure’s base timber units have been established to follow the constraints of the local transportation networks to ensure carbon emissions and logistics costs are minimised.

The use of lightweight timber results in a reduced and adaptive foundation system that can be fabricated off-site, keeping intervention to the site minimal and giving maximum protection to the site’s native flora and fauna.

Divided into a ‘kit of parts’ that is quickly assembled on site, the design approach is centered around ensuring local craftsmen, tradesmen and construction teams also benefit from the knowledge and experience obtained by working with new technologies; building lasting relationships between homeowners and the local community that will help new residents to integrate with local culture. All suppliers will be given full assistance to develop their product lines to the 3D digital information model of the houses and the terrain.

The design’s passive environmental control strategies minimize energy consumption by reducing temperatures to improve thermal comfort, with little or no requirements for mechanical ventilation.

Optimizing renewable resources to reduce energy consumption and generate water, the modules are designed to be self-shading, open and oriented towards the prevailing sea breeze for natural cooling. Local, natural materials and ground coupling provide further cooling to interior spaces. When required, water is removed from the atmosphere for supplementary cooling by dehumidification. This water is harvested and filtered and available for use in each home.

For self-sufficient and net zero carbon operations, shading canopies are optimally shaped to accommodate photovoltaic arrays for renewable power generation. Batteries will store renewable electricity for future use.

The design for manufacture and assembly (DFMA) approach has been carefully instilled into the design of the structural kit of parts, while smart timber connections allow for quick assembly and disassembly, giving the potential to reconfigure the residence or recycle any element of the modular kit.

Integrated services and insulation will be pre-assembled and installed within this structural system that performs as a robust structural frame and building envelope with enhanced thermal and acoustic performance. The configuration platform ensures adjacent units have consistent service locations to minimize on-site connection.



The digital configuration platform allows home-owners to plan their homes and connect with local suppliers; bringing the construction and operational benefits from the digitization of the buildings.

The platform can be used to accommodate the specific spatial needs of family members, share resources and costs with neighbours and allow flexibility for communal modules such as a children’s play area.

This digital platform adapts varying configurations of standardized parts to create individual residences that suit each homeowner.

Applying parametric design software developed by the Computational and Design Group at ZHA (ZHCODE) and the Computational Engineering Team at AKT II, (P.ART), the platform ensures that each residence is developed specifically to the configuration defined by each homeowner. It also ensures that each home is fundamentally sustainable by using as little material and energy as possible in its construction and operation with the shapes of each element within the building being environmentally appropriate, particularly from a solar and ventilation perspective.

Extensive feasibility studies have informed the design of the platform’s kit of parts using a library of spatial and building elements tailored to the ecology and supply chain of Roatan. These adapt digital design and fabrication methods to incorporate the skills, experience and craftsmanship of local building traditions and culture.

Particular care has been given to ensuring the designs are sustainable and feasible within the environment of Roatan; incorporating vernacular design features such as palapas and other naturally ventilated spaces, the use of locally sourced timber, passive shading, rain water collection and cooling-pools.

A principle underpinning the configuration platform is three-dimensional property rights with homeowners acquiring occupational and exclusion rights for units of 3D space called volume-pixels or voxels. Their residences will be algorithmically computed to fit within their chosen arrangement of voxels. Each voxel is 35 square meters in plan-area and 4 meters high. Residential units vary from 35 sq.m studios (1 voxel), to 175 sq.m family homes (5 voxels). This parametric approach to the design of each residence and overall composition of the development yields many different possibilities united by a coherent formal logic and materiality.

Homeowners can use the platform to customize the spatial layout of their residence to fit their preferred number of voxels. These choices are exponential in nature, with at least 15,000 different variations to configure the maximum of 5 voxels.



The configuration platform adapts each residence to the terrain and other particulars of the site include views and minimizing any earthworks during assembly.

The platform also gives a choice of built-in furniture modules and spatial arrangements to suit individual lifestyles and preferences. These modules include walk-in wardrobes and conversation pits and are designed to integrate into the walls or contained in islands within each room.

Homeowners can also appoint local suppliers to create furniture specific for each room using the digital assets that the configuration platform provides including the 3D model of the home.




Zaha Hadid Computation and Design (ZHCODE) Research Group_ Zaha Hadid Computation and Design (ZHCODE) research group focuses on strategic innovations from design technologies to advances to industrial applications. Guided by future-oriented design, their work also learns from historic traditions and cultures in masonry and timber construction, climatic appropriateness, spatial arrangements and detailing. Applying state-of-the-art parametric design software and technologies developed from 13 years of experimentation in computer graphics, digital design, maturing robotic construction technologies, and historical construction techniques, ZHCODE designs benefit from research and development in participatory technologies enabling user-focussed design as well as providing access to typically expert-domain processes to non-experts and end-users. This research ensures that the designs are future-ready and fundamentally sustainable by using as little material and energy as possible in construction and operation.

AKT II PART Computational Engineering Team_ The designs are structurally engineered by AKT II, a long standing collaborator of ZHA, who strive to ensure each of their projects is flexible, adaptable and able to respond to the client’s current and future needs. Using engineering that provides maximum positive impact to reduce material and energy consumption as well as the net energy embedded in buildings, AKT II apply their analytical technologies and extensive experience in off-site and modular construction to optimize structural designs for greater efficiencies and minimize material wastage.

Hilson Moran_ Hilson Moran is a leading international environmental engineering consultancy for the built environment with over 40 years of experience delivering human comfort and sustainable habitats. Their design-led strategic thinking puts health & wellbeing and the protection of the environment at the heart of each project. Embracing creativity, innovation and technical rigor powered by digital technology, Hilson Moran is committed to creating buildings and urban spaces which are enjoyable to use and respect the environment.

Honduras Próspera LLC_ Honduras Próspera LLC, a Delaware, USA, corporation, is the organizer and promoter of Roatán Próspera, the first special economic zone opened under the Honduran government’s ZEDE (Zone for Employment and Economic Development) program.



Project Team_ Design & Technology Platform_ Zaha Hadid Architects: Patrik Schumacher (Principal), Shajay Bhooshan, Henry Louth, Vishu Bhooshan, Cesar Fragachan, Jianfei Chu, Federico Borello, Georgios Pasisis with support from Tommaso Casucci, Leo Bieling and Ryan Hughes, Structural Engineering_ AKT II: Edoardo Tibuzzi, Gavin Sayers, Thomas Lejeune, Megan Greig, Environmental Engineering_ Hilson Moran: Emlu Schembri, Amedeo Scofone


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