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중국자원대학 캠퍼스와의 연계성과 경사진 지형을 십분 활용한 입체적인 공간 구성 China Resources Archive Library 2

중국 선전 자원 아카이브 라이브러리(China Resources Archive Library) 2 … 회색 벽돌 매스의 다채로운 매스의 조합과 주변 환경에 대응하...

등록일 2020년02월02일 20시12분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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중국 선전 자원 아카이브 라이브러리(China Resources Archive Library) 2

중국자원대학 캠퍼스와의 연계성과 경사진 지형을 십분 활용한 입체적인 공간 구성… 회색 벽돌 매스의 다채로운 매스의 조합과 주변 환경에 대응하는 차분한 공간미를 제시해


중국 선전의 사립 교육기관인 중국자원대학 캠퍼스에 9,000㎡ 규모의 자원 아카이브 도서관이 들어섰다. 스튜디오 링크아크가 설계한 도서관은 산허리의 경사진 지형 특성을 십분 활용해 벽돌 매스의 볼륨감을 차분히 조합해 구현한 공간이다.

건축가는 아카이브 도서관 설계를 진행하면서 동쪽 산비탈 너머의 산악 지형을 한눈에 조망할 수 있고, 남쪽의 캠퍼스와 연계된 지형에 대응하여 계단식 단층을 활용한 외부 공공 경사로를 조성했다. 경사지에 슬로프 형태로 구획된 입체적인 동측 입면은 테라스와 공공 구역, 경사진 계단을 통해 다이내믹하게 전개되며 도서관의 특징을 도드라지게 만들어준다.


전체적인 도서관의 외관을 구성하는 재료는 수제 회색 벽돌이다. 주변 환경을 조망하고 각각의 레벨차 높은 공간 매스를 채워주는 벽돌은 벽에서 튀어나오기도 적절히 비워지기도, 때로는 회전하는 방식을 취하기도, 창과 어우러져 특색 있는 조합을 엮어내면서 다양한 입면의 패턴을 만들어준다. 비워진 벽돌의 입면은 내부 공간 깊숙이 자연광을 유입시키는 동시에 다양한 빛과 그림자를 연출하며 특유의 질감을 형성한다.


아카이브 도서관의 내부 공간은 캠퍼스를 마주하는 출입구 로비와 전시장, 공공 구역을 치밀한 프로그램으로 연결한다. 각층을 연결하는 공공 계단에는 글레이징 타일을 활용해 자칫 단조로울 수 있는 계단실에 활력을 불어넣고 상부가 개방된 천창을 통해 충분한 자연광을 유입시킨다. 메인 로비는 캠퍼스의 조용한 흐름을 충실히 담아내고 있다. 상층부의 스카이 라이트홀은 외부 공공 테라스와 자연스럽게 연결되며, 외부 테라스에서는 주변 바다와 산으로 둘러싸인 주변 경관을 감상할 수 있다.

스튜디오 링크아크는 뉴욕에 본사를 둔 건축가와 디자이너로 구성된 국제적인 건축디자인팀으로 도시 계획과 건축, 공간예술, 경관 분야에서 창의적이면서 혁신적인 디자인을 선보이고 있다. 링크아크의 디자인은 주변 자연 환경과 사회문화적 배경, 건축의 맥락성과 관계성을 중시하며 사색과 상상력을 키워갈 수 있는 공간을 구현하고자 한다. ANN

Chief Architectural Designer Yichen Lu

Chief Interior Designer Yichen Lu, Qinwen Cai

Associate in Charge Qinwen Cai, Wen Zhu

자료_ STUDIO LINK-ARC, Photos by Shengliang Su


Located on the campus of China Resources University, a private educational institution in Shenzhen, the design of the China Resources Archive Library is driven by a dual program. The 9,000 square-meter building’s primary function is to serve as an archive for the client, holding all of their physical and digital records in a climate-controlled vault built into the hillside that serves as the project site. Above the archive, the program includes a series of gallery spaces that serve the adjacent campus, adding a civic and cultural dimension to the project.


The design of the Archive Library responds to two distinct site conditions. The first is the hillside to the east, which enjoys sweeping views of Trail Bay and the mountainous landscape beyond. The second is the China Resources University campus to the south. The project responds to the hillside via a terraced massing that integrates the project into the topography. This allows for a series of exterior public ramps that connect the residential neighborhood at the foot of the hill to the campus above. At the top of the hill, the Archive Library projects a more reserved presence, presenting itself as a two-story mass appropriate to the campus context.


The dual site response finds further expression at a deeper level of detail. The terraced east side of the project incorporates a series of dramatic cuts that create a dynamic presence when seen from a distance and also connect the interior public zones to the exterior terraces. Towards the campus, the Archive Library massing is defined by surgical cuts that give nuance to the massing, mark the primary public entrance, and hint at the unique spatial quality within.


The exterior is clad with a handmade gray brick that unifies the composition and adds texture to the facade. These bricks are articulated in three different ways to create differing surface effects. The base surface articulation (the flat surface) creates a sense of mass and weight that connects the building to earth and to history. Rotating bricks so that they protrude from the wall creates a textured surface with varied light and shadow effects. Subtracting bricks from the exterior surface creates a screened facade that admits light deep into the building while maintaining the building massing.


The interior of the Archive Library is defined by a subtractive strategy—the upper public floors of the project are split into two volumes. The space between them expresses the program, connects the interior space to the natural world beyond, and links the two primary public zone of the project: the entry lobby facing the campus, and the exhibition hall to the east. A public stair, hidden behind a stone wall, connects the main public floors of the building. This stair is a dramatic vertical space with a skylight above and a glazed tile wall to the east that reflects natural light into the lobby through carefully designed openings.


The two main public spaces of the project are carefully linked to the site strategy. The main lobby, facing the university, is defined by gestures that echo the project’s quiet response to the campus and enhance a sense of interiority. To the north of the Skylight Hall, the public exhibition space incorporates a striking sloped ceiling that extends the cut on the facade, connects to the exterior public terraces, and enjoys dramatic views of the ocean and mountains beyond.


>>STUDIO LINK-ARC Based in New York City, Studio Link-Arc, LLC is an international team of architects and designers. Our name, Link-Arc, refers to the practice’s collaborative nature as well as the company’s mission, which is to work across disciplines to create strategy and design in the fields of urban planning, architecture, spatial art and landscape. We accomplish this by linking knowledge, resources, and intelligence, from multiple perspectives and diverse backgrounds.

Our body of work includes innovative projects at all scales. We see the relationship between architecture and context as an opportunity to create new context, new nature and a new understanding of the world. Through research, we uncover the essential truths unique to each project, and use those truths to create concepts and to shape form. We endeavor to create refined works of architecture. We create spaces that promote contemplation and imagination, and provide quiet satisfaction through the simple act of occupation.

We approach each project with an open mind. We work to understand the constraints unique to each project and integrate them into our process, allowing our work to develop in an informed manner. We address societal and cultural issues in our work, which promotes design integrity and the understanding that context extends beyond the physical.

Our intellectual approach is based on openness to challenge. We gain strength from diverse cultural backgrounds and contexts and see architecture as a discipline that transcends the pragmatic act of building. We believe that architecture can be an inclusive discipline that rises to the challenges of the current era.



>>Yichen Lu Yichen Lu, Principal of Studio Link-Arc, holds a Master of Architecture from Yale University and a Bachelor of Arts from Tsinghua University in China. He was awarded the Ikuo Hirayama Scholarship in 1999, and was nominated for the 2008 H.I. Feldman Prize for his work in Frank Gehry’s Advanced Studio at the Yale School of Architecture. His design project “Planless House in Manhattan” was awarded First Prize in the 2006 Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition. He received the Iconic Award from the German Design Council in 2014 and 2016, and was one of ten architects ‘2015 Design Vanguard’ winners selected by ‘Architectural Record’. Between 2008 and 2010 Yichen Lu worked as a project architect at Gehry Partners, LLP, where he was responsible for the design of many projects, including the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi. Between 2010 and 2012 he was a project manager at Steven Holl Architects, and managed the firm’s many award-winning projects in China. Lu founded Studio Link-Arc in 2012. He served as the chief architect (on behalf of Tsinghua University) for the China Pavilion for Expo Milano 2015. This commission, China’s first Expo Pavilion outside its borders, opened in 2015 to international acclaim. Yichen Lu has been an associate professor at Tsinghua University since 2012. In 2016, Lu served as a visiting professor at the Syracuse University School of Architecture and the Politecnico di Milano. In that same year, he was invited to participate in an exhibition and symposium at the Harvard Graduate School of Design titled “Towards a Critical Pragmatism: Contemporary Architecture in China”.


Chief Architectural Designer: Yichen Lu, Chief Interior Designer: Yichen Lu, Qinwen Cai, Associate in Charge: Qinwen Cai, Wen Zhu, Project Team: Hyunjoo Lee, Ching-Tsung Huang, Shuning Fan, Dongyul Kim, Shiqi Li, Yoko Fujita, Alban Denic, Chunqi Fang, Xiaoshi Wang, Jean-Baptiste Simon, Ian Watchorn, Chen Hu, Jasmin Shi, Area: 9,000㎡, Client: China Resources Group, Architect of Record: CCDI Shenzhen, Interior Architect: J&A Design Shenzhen, Structural Design: Yoshinori Nito Engineering and Design, Lighting Design: Beijing Ning Field Lighting Design

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