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New-Blauhaus_ 뉴 블라우하우스

독일 니더라인대의 최첨단 에너지 효율센터

등록일 2019년10월24일 07시13분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

New-Blauhaus_ 뉴 블라우하우스

독일 니더라인대의 최첨단 에너지 효율센터






오각형의 평면과 경사진 태양광패널을 부착한 입면, 도시와 캠퍼스를 연결하는 개방된 계단과 마당이 캠퍼스의 지속가능한 건축의 활력을 불어넣고 있어


뉴 블라우하우스는 독일 노르트라인베스트팔렌주에 있는 묀헨글라트바흐(München-Gladbach)의 니더라인대학(Hochschule Niederrhein) 캠퍼스에 들어선 최첨단 에너지 효율센터이다. 연면적 5,800m²에 지상 5층 규모의 건물은 에너지와 수처리시설 회사인 NEW와 니더하인대학 간의 협업을 통해 에너지 측면의 혁신적인 개발을 수행하기 위해 건립되었다.




건물의 생김새는 오각형의 특이한 평입면 구조로 캠퍼스의 활력을 불어넣기에 충분하다. 특히 건물의 입면을 형성하는 경사진 블루 톤의 돌출되고 경사진 유리 매스와 태양열 복사와 방출에 최적화된 태양전지가 부착되어 있는 파사드는 자연광을 적절히 활용할 수 있는 외관 디자인으로 눈길을 자아낸다. 태양광 패널과 개구부는 1.35m이 격자형으로 파사드 전반에 걸쳐 번갈아 배치되었다. PV패널의 경사는 태양열 복사 에너지의 방향과 발생률에 따라 조정된 것이다. 에나멜 처리된 유리는 태양 에너지의 생산량과 관련이 없는 건물이 북측의 태양광 전지를 대체한다. 건물 입구에는 도시와 캠퍼스를 직접적으로 연결하는 개방된 계단과 마당이 자리한다. 계단을 따라 연결된 투명한 창은 보행자들로 하여금 패시브하우스의 기준을 만족하는 에너지 제로방출 건물의 중심부로 시선을 이끌고 있다.




1층에 자리한 에너지 센터는 건물의 지속가능한 에너지에 대한 정보를 제공한다. 에너지 센터 NEW를 위한 공간과 더불어 블라우하우스는 캠퍼스 내의 다양한 교육과 행정시설, 대학교 도서관, 창업을 하는 사람들을 위한 스타트업 센터를 포함한 ‘Blau schmiede’ 뿐만 아니라 학생들을 위한 에너지 연구실인 ‘Innovatorium’으로 구성된다. 이 미래지향적인 비즈니스 과학기관은 캠퍼스 내의 다양한 정보교환을 돕는다. 건물은 학생들이 이용할 수 있는 혁신적인 에너지 기술의 기회를 실질적으로 높여줌으로써 과학과 에너지 산업 간의 협력을 증진시키고 있다. 도시 계획의 관점에서 볼 때 건물의 디자인은 부가적인 접근을 의도적으로 피한다. 대신에 적당한 구조적 변화를 만들고 캠퍼스에 새로운 매력적인 입구를 제공한다. 건물 입구의 넓은 계단과 앞마당은 주변 건물과의 새로운 관계를 수립해주며 학교뿐만 아니라 시내 중심가와 공원을 매끄럽게 연결해 준다.




건물은 솔리테르(solitaire)를 개념으로 하며 모든 방향은 공공공간을 마주하고 있다. 다만 건물의 입구 파사드는 새롭게 조성된 앞마당으로 인해 디자인이 결정되었고, 다른 입면은 사이트의 영역과 주변 건물의 규정된 거리에 의해 만들어졌다. 결과적으로 현재의 콤팩트하면서도 다섯 면으로 이루어진 볼륨이 형성된 것이다. 테라스로 사용되는 지붕으로의 공공적인 접근이 가능하며 부피에 대한 표면적의 효율적인 비율이 에너지 효율을 높여준다. 지붕 위에 추가된 패널은 뉴블라우하우스의 탄소 중립의 전력 수요를 충족시켜 준다.

내부 공간의 레이아웃은 가급적 동선을 최소화시켰고 소통이 잘 이루어지는 동시에 건물에 다양한 기능을 수용할 수 있게 만들어준다. 4개의 고층 층으로 구성된 아트리움 주위는 스타트업센터와 설비시설, 옥상 테라스, 도서관의 영역에 자연광을 유입시킨다. 아침부터 저녁까지 에너지를 생성하는 에너지 효율 시스템이 반영된 건물의 내부 공간은 스펙트럼 색상을 결합하고 있다. 레벨에 따라 각각의 용도별로 선택된 색상이 적용되어 있다. 라운지 가구가 있는 공간은 동일한 색조를 적용하지만 다른 모든 영역은 검정, 회색 및 흰색의 중간 색조로 마감되어 있다. 매끄러운 표면, 직물 및 목재와 모든 색상이 포함된 다양한 색상 콘셉트는 공간 전체에 부드럽고 친근한 분위기를 북돋아준다.




설계를 맡은 독일의 카다비트펠트아키텍처(kadawittfeldarchitektur)는 1999년 아헨에서 설립되었으며 건축, 인테리어 및 제품 디자인과 도시 계획 및 도시 프로젝트의 인터페이스를 서로 연결하는 작업을 수행하고 있다. 100명이 넘는 팀원들은 팀원은 볼륨, 재료, 구조 및 기능을 다루는 방식에서 현대적이고 지속 가능한 건축 디자인은 다루며 독일은 물론 해외에서 폭넓게 활동하고 있다. 카다비트펠트아키텍처는 고객은 물론 사용자, 컨설턴트, 일반 대중과 함께 공간적, 기능적 요구 사항과 특정 프로젝트의 사회 문화적 열망을 충족시키기 위한 맞춤형 솔루션을 모색한다.

김인영 ‧ 손세진 ‧ 김민주 기자

Architects_ kadawittfeldarchitektur

Photo by AndreasHorsky







The project, which is a cooperation between the energy and water utility company NEW and Hochschule Niederrhein, is designed to present innovative developments in the energy sector. The five-sided structure, a solitaire in the urban landscape, is clearly perceived as a new element at the university, which uses the large forecourt with the open stairway to link the city and the campus. The special facade consisting of oppositely inclined, blue-tinged glass and photovoltaic elements has been designed to perfectly suit the orientation and incidence of solar radiation. A window alongside the open stairway offers passersby a view into the energy centre of the zero emission building that meets Passive House standards. In addition to the rooms for the energy centre NEW, the Blauhaus building accommodates various educational and administrative institutions of Hochschule Niederrhein, the university library, the start-up centre “Blauschmiede” with offices for new business founders, as well as the energy laboratory “Innovatorium” for pupils and students.




Future-oriented business and science institutions require an exchange of information among themselves and with the public. The NEW-Blauhaus building on the campus of Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach perfectly connects these three elements with the result that several joint wishes could be fulfilled: an increase of cooperation between science and the energy industry, a strengthening of the location and the opportunity to make innovative energy technologies accessible to the public. The aim was to focus on the visible use and not the didactical principles of energy.


Low-resource technologies complement each other and determine the architecture of the zero emission building constructed according to Passive House standards in an unmistakable way. The various users accommodated in the state-of-the-art energy efficiency centre are immediately associated with this subject matter: the energy and water utility company NEW with its department energy-related services, the University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule Niederrhein, with a variety of training, research and service facilities, the university library, as well as a start-up centre for innovative businesses in the energy sector. All institutions work, both individually and as part of a team, on the continuous development of the corresponding technologies and their application.


From an urban planning point of view, the design deliberately avoids taking a purely additive approach. Instead, it uses the opportunity to make some moderate structural changes and provide a new attractive entrance to the campus. The initiative was taken from the central position: on the one hand, immediately next to the canteen and other university buildings and, on the other hand, adjacent to a residential block development, which in fact weakened the relations between the campus buildings. Instead of connecting up to the residential development, as was suggested in the competition programme, the NEW-Blauhaus building is kept at a distance in order to establish new relationships. The approach highlights the substantive significance of the new build, stands clear of neighbouring buildings and creates a forecourt with a wide stairway, which connects the park as well as the campus with the town centre.


Due to its conception as a solitaire, it is a building without a rear elevation, a building that faces public space in all directions. The volume was largely driven by pragmatic decisions. Whereas the entrance facade is defined by the newly created forecourt, all other sides are determined by site boundaries and the prescribed distance to neighbouring buildings. The result is a compact, five-sided volume offering the following advantages: the footprint is minimized and partially returned to public use by making the roof accessible as a terrace, the favourable volume-to-surface ratio increases energy efficiency, the organization of interior space provides for short distances, and thus good communication, at the same time as independence of the various functions accommodated in the building.




The fully glazed entrance area, marked by the protrusion of the upper floors, opens up to create an inviting foyer with a view of the park. It is from here that the rooms occupied by NEW, as well as the other university areas, are accessed. The four upper floor, with the start-up center, the university facilities and the new library, including the roof terrace, are arranged around an atrium that allows natural daylight to penetrate all building zones. The very highest standard in terms of energy use is literally presented in two areas: in the facade, which is clad with photovoltaic panels, and at the base of the building, where the energy centre’s showroom is visible from the outside.


The facade is the building’s most exclusive means of expression. As a significant part of the advanced energy concept, it communicates the approach to conserving resources to the outside and determines the identity of the architecture and its users in the urban environment. The shiny blue photovoltaic elements do not only give the building its name; together with further panels on the roof, they cover the full power demand with the result that the building is carbon neutral. The photovoltaic panels and window openings alternate throughout the facade in accordance with the structural grid of 1.35 metres. The inclination of the PV panels has been adjusted according to the orientation and incidence of solar radiation. Enamelled glass has replaced the photovoltaic cells on the north side of the building, which is irrelevant in terms of solar energy yield. Oppositely inclined soundproofing panes set in front of the windows complete the sculptural appearance of the building.




The horizontal arrangement typically used in office buildings has been replaced by a not only elegant and lively but also homogeneous skin, which in fact also serves further purposes. For example, a high standard of insulation reduces the demand for energy, which must therefore not be produced. Alongside providing soundproofing, the exterior panes protect the external shading devices from wind and rain. The actual windows can be opened according to individual needs and thus correspond with today’s requirements in terms of user comfort.




The energy center of the NEW-Blauhaus building is positioned on the ground floor. A window close to the open stairway, displaying information on sustainable energy, captures the curiosity of passersby. Interested visitors can enter the NEW energy service centre and take a look at the technical equipment. The most important part of the building’s heating and cooling system is a highly efficient, reversible heat pump in combination with a spectacular ice storage tank and chiller plant. Depending on the time of year, the elements interconnect to either heat the building in winter or cool it during peak periods in summer. Further fully operational technologies have been added for presentation purposes, including a combined heat and power unit, a peak load boiler for heating and an absorption refrigeration system for cooling.


The aim inside was to use simple means to create the same coherence throughout all floors as has been achieved in the glazed surfaces of the facade on the outside. Based on the activity of the building – a system generating energy from dusk to dawn – the colour and material concept varies the tones of sunset and sunrise. The concept plays with the fashionable principle of colour blocking, which combines hues of a defined colour spectrum in an eye-catching way. In the NEW-Blauhaus building, this is particularly apparent in the free-standing access core. It displays the signal colours chosen for the respective usage of the level. A space with lounge furniture applies the same colour tone whereas all other areas have been kept in moderate shades of black, grey and white. Oak surfaces are used for emphasis, in particular in the case of the furniture chosen for the meeting and reception areas. The combination of smooth surfaces, textiles and wood, as well as the varied tones within the all-embracing colour concept, allow for easy orientation and a friendly atmosphere that perfectly suits the overall function of the building.




kadawittfeldarchitektur Originally founded in Aachen in 1999, we today stand for more than just architectural design. The interdisciplinary approach of our work, linking architecture, interior and product design on the one hand and at the interface of town planning and urban projects on the other hand, reflects the full range of our creative output. kadawittfeldarchitektur develops added value space. In a team of more than 100 persons, we create architecture with added value space for living, communication and work environments. In the way we deal with volumes, materials, structures and functions, we strive to integrate our schemes into their surroundings with the objective of creating contemporary and sustainable architecture and meeting the needs of both the users and the general public. Projects like the main railway station in Salzburg/AT, the headquarters of the AachenMünchener insurance company in Aachen/DE, the Adidas Laces building in Herzogenaurach/DE and the Grimmwelt Museum in Kassel/DE are representative of our numerous projects in Germany and abroad. In addition, we have come first in numerous international competitions, such as the DFB Academy in Frankfurt/DE and the concert hall in Padua/IT.




Architect : kadawittfeldarchitektur

Occupant : Hochschule Niederrhein and NEW

Project management : Mathias Garanin

Client : NEW mobil & aktiv Möchengladbach GmbH

General contractor : A.Frauenrath BauConcept GmbH

Typology : Education/service provider

Constructed volume : GFA 5,800m², GIV 20,995m³



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