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벌집모양의 육각형 구조물 ‘Orquideorama’

건축과 식물 사이의 유용성을 넓혀준 공공시설물

등록일 2019년12월26일 10시09분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
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벌집모양의 육각형 구조물 ‘Orquideorama’

건축과 식물 사이의 유용성을 넓혀준 공공시설물




콜롬비아의 안티오키아의 주도 메데인은 안데스 산맥 고원지대에 위치한 지역이다. Orquideorama 프로젝트는 메데인 식물원 내에 들어서 있으며 콘서트장, 웨딩, 파티, 패션쇼, 운동, 명상 등이 가능한 공공 정원구조물로 이용되고 있다.


상부가 흡사 벌집모양의 특이한 구조로 잘 알려진 이 구조물은 바닥 꽃과 식물의 크기와 특징을 기반으로 한 성장과 융통성을 갖는 육각 형태를 기초로 만들어졌다. 구조물을 구성하는 7개의 육각형 모듈은 기후생물학적인 패턴을 통해 만들어낸 것으로 나무를 보호하고 특정한 환경에 적응하도록 해주고 있다.



마치 텅 비어있는 듯한 육각형의 모듈은 나무 몸통과 같이 작용한다. 소용돌이처럼 비틀어진 힘을 보여주는 구조물의 본체는 유기적인 힘과 기하학적 구조의 절묘한 조합을 보여준다. 이러한 구조물 패턴의 반복된 흐름은 식물원을 더욱 활기차게 만들고 있고 정원의 생물과 기후조건과 어우러져 건축과 식물 사이의 다양한 유용 가능성을 넓혀주고 있다. ANN


Architect_ Plan B Architects + JPRCR Architects

자료 Photo by Iwan Baan, Sergio Gomez, Cristobal Palma



This project rises from a hexagonal geometry that allows for growth and flexibility in the floor plant. Besides, it works with the scale of the trees and some of their strategies: it concentrates all the networks in the trunk, mixes structure and organic force, and opens translucent foliage. Assembling modules of seven hexagons, we can define a spatial, structural and bioclimatic pattern that allows repetition, controlled growth and flexibility, both to avoid touching the already existing trees and to adapt to a limited budget.


This pattern or module has a central hexagon that functions like a hollow trunk in which the technical network(structural, electrical, and water collection), the organic network, a hot air exit, and an access to rain and humidity for the internal gardens, concentrate. These trunks were understood as converging vortexes, and therefore the geometry of the wood lining displays a concentrated torsion force through a hyperbolic paraboloid. We tried to combine organic and structural forces. The intelligence of the pattern intelligence amplifies through repetition, but the spatial and bioclimatic qualities are already present in each part.



You could say the qualities of the pattern emerge from inside out. The space we propose isn’t an empty warehouse or a free plant but rather a field with structural supports that are intermittent with clustered gardens. This allows to combine a large range of activities(weddings, workout, meditation, concerts, fashion shows, etc), with the garden and its wildlife and weather.




Plan B

Plan B architects is a Colombian architecture firm. Since 2000 to 2005, this working group was led by architects Felipe Mesa and Alejandro Bernal, from 2006 until 2010 was led by Felipe Mesa, and is currently led by Felipe Mesa in partnership with Federico Mesa. The plan b work is generated primarily through participation in architectural competitions, and collaborating with other professionals in those projects is constant and diverse. Over the years work has been shared with people like Miguel Mesa(Mesa Publishers), Juan David Diez (Taller Standard), Federico Mesa, Camilo Restrepo, Giancarlo Mazzanti, Felipe Uribe, Ana Elvira Velez, Izaskun Chinchilla, and Hernando Barragan Maria Jose Sanin.




Architects: Plan B Arquitectos(Felipe Mesa+Alejandro Bernal), JPRCR Arquitectos(Camilo Restrepo+JPaul Restrepo)

Project Manager: Plan B Arquitectos(Felipe Mesa+Alejandro Bernal)+JPRCR Arquitectos(Camilo Restrepo+JPaul Restrepo).

Design team/ Viviana Peña, Catalina Patiño, Carolina Gutiérrez, Lina Gil, Jorge Buitrago

Structural engineering: Germán Serrate

Construction supervisión: Ménsula S.A.

Client: Medellin Botanical Garden

Builder: Ménsula S.A.

Location: Botanical Garden, Medellín, Colombia

Use: Orchid and garden exhibitions; other exhibits. Varied events(concerts, weddings, parties, fairs).

Area: 4200㎡

Ecosystem: Humid Sub-Montane Forest

Elevation(above sea level): 1,538m

Structure: Steel columns and beams. Trusses.

Materials: Harvested wood linings; concrete pavers, steel and polycarbonate roof tiling.



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