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주하이 Shizimen CBD_ Central Business District

도시의 리본이란 개념으로 컨벤션시설과 호텔, 아파트, 오피스와 리테일 등을 포함한 도시의 유기적인 복합건축을 시도해

등록일 2019년12월20일 15시37분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

주하이 Shizimen CBD_ Central Business District

도시의 리본이란 개념으로 컨벤션시설과 호텔, 아파트, 오피스와 리테일 등을 포함한 도시의 유기적인 복합건축을 시도해



중국 광둥성 연해에 위치한 주하이시는 지정학적으로 홍콩과 마카우 사이를 연결하며 대자연의 아름다움을 간직한 곳이다. 이곳은 풍부한 자연 환경과 독특하게 조각된 바위의 형태로 유명한 해변으로 인해 중국의 정원도시라고 불린다. 320m의 마카우타워와 반대편에 헝칭(Hengqin Island)과 더불어 미래의 초고층 빌딩이 들어서 마치 신호등과 같은 역할을 담당한다. 이러한 지역에 들어선 Shizimen중심업무지구는 컨벤션시설과 호텔, 아파트, 오피스와 리테일 등으로 구성되어 있으며 10 design에서 설계를 맡았다. 10 design은 설계를 진행하면서 유연성과 다양성, 공공의 기능과 도시의 기능의 결합이란 측면을 염두에 두었다.



우선 95,800sqm 규모의 컨벤션과 전시회장을 계획하면서 합리적이면서도 유연성 있는 개념을 반영하였다. 제법 큰 규모의 컨벤션과 2,000명까지 수용이 가능한 전시장, 4,000명까지 수용이 가능한 연회장은 물론 음악 공연장과 영화관을 두었다. 또한, 다양한 방식으로 활용될 수 있는 복합용도의 개발과 길과 수변 플라자와 연계된 도시민들의 공공 편의시설을 주된 기능과 조합되어 유기적인 도시 흐름을 엮어간다.



전체적인 마스터플랜은 주하이 도심의 여러 기능들과 공간을 잇는 ‘도시 리본’이라는 색다른 개념에서 착안한 것이다. 도시의 리본은 공공의 기능과 도시의 기능들의 결합하며 리본 모양의 건축은 공공시설의 역할을 하고 메인 도로(Nanwan Road)에서 수변까지의 흐름을 매끄럽게 이어준다. 리본은 공공시설과 반공공시설의 기능을 분리해주는 동시에 마카우를 향해 한껏 독창적이면서도 여유로운 경관을 펼쳐 보인다.



건물을 구성하는 입구 역시 들어 올리고 열려지는 방식으로 특별한 도시의 복합기능들을 담아내고 있다. 도로를 감싸듯 길게 이어진 리본은 낮에는 기능적인 입구를 맡지만 밤이 되면 조명을 머금고 활기 넘치는 아치형태의 입구가 되어 마카우의 경관을 조망하는 음악 공연장과 영화관의 입구가 된다. 또한, 리본은 해변라인을 반영한 정원의 공간과 조화를 이루며 Shizimen중심업무지구를 친숙하고 아늑하게 만들고 있다. 공원의 드롭오프존을 위한 그늘진 벽을 만들며 각 구간들 사이를 연결하는 중요한 역할을 맡는다. 이처럼 Shizimen중심업무지구는 업무와 상업, 문화, 휴식 등의 복합기능을 두루 포함하며 도시의 핵심적인 플랫폼으로 자리 잡고 있다.


Gordon Affleck Chief Design Architect of 10 DESIGN

자료_ 10 DESIGN, Photography by Kerun Ip



On 30th October 2014, the Zhuhai Municipal Government officiated the grand opening of the new Zhuhai International Convention and Exhibition Centre, being the first phase of the Shizimen Central Business District in China. Together with the Mayor of Zhuhai, the Chairman of Huafa, the Project's Chief Designer - Gordon Affleck, and Project Director – Miriam Auyeung attended. The development is strategically located along the Zhuhai waterfront, maximising close proximity to Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau, catalysing economic development of the wider Hengqin Region. Gordon and Miriam led the design team for the complex from the competition winning entry and worked closely with the client to the completion of the first phase. Recently the team at 10 DESIGN have been commissioned to advise on the future design phases of the development. The overall development comprises 640,000 sqm of accommodation.



The first phase incorporates 362,000sqm of convention, theatre, music hall, exhibition, and banquet facilities. These public and civic functions are supported with retail, F&B, serviced apartments, a 548 key Sheraton Hotel opening on 28th December 2014, and a 320m high tower which accommodates grade A office spaces together with a 250 key St Regis Hotel that is scheduled to open on 30th June 2016. As the chief designer of the development, Gordon was invited as the key note speaker at the formal opening ceremony. The core message described “how convention and exhibition facilities if properly considered can play a vital role in the economic development of a region.” He explained that convention and exhibition centres facilitate communication and act as catalysts for trade and commerce regionally and globally. A summary of the keynote speech below: Commercial sustainability is critical. There are several interactive ingredients leading to primary commercial successes: Location, Flexibility, and Diversity.



Zhuhai is unique in its location geopolitically as a link between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau. Zhuhai is also a place of great natural beauty. It is regarded as China’s “Garden City” due to its rich and natural environment and its famous coastline characterised by its unique sculpted rock forms. The 320m tower acts as a visual beacon addressing the Macau Tower and the future super high-rise of the Hengqin region on the opposite shores. In terms of forms, the design of the building reflects a strong tie of the characters of the region’s landscape. The architectural elements, emulating the sculpted shorelines of Zhuhai, sit at ease with the waterfront setting. In order to cater for a wide audience, it is critical that the convention and exhibition facility can hold a multitude of diverse events with the ability to segregate or inter-mix delegates. This requires a high degree of flexibility in planning.



So while the external public amenity functions of retail, F&B and office are sculpted in form, the internal planning requires to be rational and flexible. The facility holds a multitude of functions including a theatre, a music auditorium, large scale convention and exhibition halls accommodating up to 2,000 people and large scale banquet rooms hosting up to 4,000 people. A commercially successful development also demands a complimentary mix of uses to make it work as a standalone destination, with continual occupation beyond the requirements of the limited convention and exhibition centre operations. Therefore other functions such as office, hospitality, serviced apartments, and retail have been designed in the first phase, creating a waterfront urban destination. The civic importance of the facility should not preclude it from being enjoyed by the general public. It was a driving factor in the original design competition concept that the facility should act as a truly public amenity as well as a civic one.



This principle has been adhered to throughout the whole design process with the creation of an activated plaza linking the District Road to a waterfront plaza. This plaza is activated continually by retail, F&B, and garden spaces. The idea of combining public and civic functions brought about the idea of an urban ribbon, linking and defining functions and spaces in the Shizimen CBD. The ribbon houses purely public functions such as F&B and retail and also physically connects the main road (Nanwan Road) to the waterfront. The ribbon acts as a screen and separator between public and semi-public functions while at the same time framing vistas both internally and externally such as the view towards Macau. It also wraps around special civic functions such as the theatre and convention, and lifts and opens to create a number of different special entry points to varying zones.



For instance the ribbon, wrapping on Nanwan Road, forms a formal entrance by day and a vibrant arch by night while framing the entry to the music hall and theatre on the elevated plaza with its views to Macau. The ribbon also helps to define a series of more intimate garden spaces which are key circulation areas between zones while providing sunken daylight wells to the car park drop off areas. The combination of hardscape and planting reflect sculptural forms of the Zhuhai coastline. The Shizimen CBD does provide a wide range of facilities that are rare to find in even the largest of convention facilities. It combines high quality, flexible exhibition, and convention space with several specialist spaces including a theatre and music auditoriums. With its distinctive coastal setting and a wide range of hospitality and commercial functions provided on site, the Shizimen CBD offers a compelling platform for businesses and communication.




Gordon Affleck

Gordon graduated with 1st Class Honors and a Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Architectural Design from the University of Strathclyde. Through his studies he received several awards including Glasgow Institute of Architects Prize and Glasgow Schools of Architecture Jubilee Prize. He also received the Royal Scottish Academy Award for Architecture for his thesis work in 1996. He passed his RIBA Part 3 Professional Examination in 1997. Gordon Affleck is a founding Design Partner with 10. Gordon is an award winning architect with almost 20 years of professional experience leading international design teams in the Middle East, Asia, and the UK. His award winning work ranges from the design of large scale water front master planning, complex mixed use projects, civic, and retail environments, through to boutique luxury residential and hospitality developments, and bridges. Gordon has led the design for the prestigious China National Convention Centre in Beijing built as a Multi-Purpose Arena for the Beijing 2008 Olympics Games, which hosted the International Broadcast Centre, Main Press Centre and the competition venue for Fencing, Modern Pentathlon and Air Pistol competitions. He also led the design for the Kolkata International Convention Centre as well as working on the convention and exhibition facilities in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Bangkok. He was also the lead designer for the sustainable R&D Headquarter building for Huawei in Nanjing. In Asia, he is currently leading the teams for both the planning and architectural design for the Danzishi Central Business District in Chongqing and the Kowloon Bay Development in Weihai. His design for the Shizimen International Convention Complex has just been in operation with the 320m high “transforming” tower due in for opening in 2016. In the Middle East, he has led the design of a number of lifestyle and destination masterplans in both Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Currently he is completing 3 masterplan commissions in the region, totaling some 200 ha of development. The most recent the Al Barari Development in Dubai is now under construction. Gordon has served as judge for both Urban and Architectural Design Awards including the World Architecture Urban Design Awards and the Perspective Magazine Design Awards. He has spoken at events such as Cityscape in London discussing the impact of the Olympic Games. His work has been published in numerous publications including Architects’ Journal, World Architecture, Wall paper, Mark Magazine, and amongst others.






Zhuhai, China


State-owned Enterprise Huafa Group and its wholly-owned subsidiary Zhuhai Shizimen Central Business District Development Holdings

Overall Development Programme

Total Site: 269,600 sqm

Total GFA: 640,000 sqm

Iconic Tower Height: 320 m

Phase 1 Development Programme

Phase 1 Total GFA: 362,000 sqm

Convention & Exhibition Facilities: 95,800 sqm

Hotels & Serviced Apartment: 156,000 sqm

St. Regis Hotel: 250 rooms

Sheraton Hotel: 548 rooms

Serviced Apartment: 450 units

Office: 86,500 sqm

Retail and F&B: 23,600 sqm

Architectural Design Team

10 DESIGN/ Gordon Affleck-Chief Design Architect, Miriam Auyeung-Project Director, Vincent Fung- Senior Associate, Jamie Webb-Associate Designer, Colin Ashton-Architectural Designer, Jason Easter-Architectural Designer

Consultant Team

Gordon Affleck-Chief Design Architect(Design Partner at 10 DESIGN), ALT-Curtain Wall Consultant, Burega Farnell-Landscape Designer, CJAI Hong Kong-Auditorium/Opera House Consultant, Guangzhou Design Institute-Local Design Institute, Guangzhou RBS-Structural Engineer, HBA-Sheraton Hotel Interior Designer, IBR-Sustainability Consultant, LDP-Lighting Designer, MVA-Traffic Consultant, NBBJ-Exhibition Interior Designer, Wilson Associates-St Regis Hotel Interior Designer



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