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Changsha Meixihu International Culture & Arts Centre, Changsha, China by ZHA 1

유기적인 조형성과 역동성이 돋보이는 창사 메이시후 국제문화예술센터 1

등록일 2019년12월05일 09시55분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

Changsha Meixihu International Culture & Arts Centre(MICA), Changsha, China by ZHA 1.

유기적인 조형성과 역동성이 돋보이는 창사 메이시후 국제문화예술센터(MICA) 1.


창사 메이시후 국제문화예술센터(MICA)는 중국 후난성 동북부의 도시인 창사에 건립된 유기적인 건축물이다. MICA 건물은 115,000㎡ 면적에 크게 3개의 유동적인 매스가 절묘하게 엮여 있는 모습이다. 문화예술센터에는 현대미술관과 지원시설을 포함한 1,800석 규모의 극장과 다목적홀로 구성된다. 대지 전체를 부드럽게 휘감아 도는 매스의 춤추는 듯한 환영은 주변 도로와 부드럽게 연결되며 브리지와 데크 형으로 입체적으로 구성된 배치는 사이트를 가로질러 공간 전체를 하나로 일체화시킨다. 특히 예술센터 바로 옆에 면한 메이시호수의 수려한 전망을 끌어들여 보행교로 연결된 호수의 페스티벌 섬 공원과 자연스럽게 연계된 것이 특징적이다. 공원과 호수와 부드럽게 조화된 입체적인 건축 산책로의 풍성함은 야외 행사장, 조각 전시장으로 활용하는 외부 정원과 교차한다. 문화예술센터는 지하철역과 바로 인접하여 방문객의 동선을 편리하게 돕는다.

3개의 매스가 앙상불을 구성하는 각각의 공간은 공연예술을 위한 그랜드극장을 중심으로 갤러리와 전시장, 박물관, 리허설스튜디오, 관리사무소 등으로 조성되어 있다. 대규모 행사를 위한 아트리움을 중심으로 총 10,000㎡ 규모의 8개의 갤러리가 있으며, MICA 미술관에는 커뮤니티 워크숍, 강의실, 카페 및 박물관 상점 전용 공간도 마련되어 있다. 500석 규모의 다목적홀은 소규모 공연과 음악회, 패션쇼, 연회 및 각종 이벤트 행사 등을 위한 다기능 문화예술공간으로 작용한다. 각각의 공간은 서로 개관 시간을 달리함으로써 주야간으로 건물의 활용도를 높여준다.

이처럼 MICA 건물 전체는 자하하디드 아키텍츠 특유의 자유 곡선을 기반으로 한 유기적인 곡면과 조형성을 유감없이 보여주며 창사를 대표하는 역동적인 건축물로 평가되고 있다. ANN

Architect_ Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)

Design_ Zaha Hadid, Patrik Schumacher_ Principal/ Dr Phil, Dipl Ing, ARB, RIBA

ZHA Project Director_ Woody Yao, Simon Yu

자료_ ZHA, Photograph by Virgile Simon Bertrand, IG: Seven 7 Panda




The first exhibition at MICA, the new art museum of Changsha Meixihu International Culture & Arts Centre, is now open.

‘Flowing Eternity’ is an immersive exhibition by MOTSE, a group of 40 artists and scientists based in Shenzhen whose collaborative, interactive works use innovative technologies in new media to explore contemporary culture.

The new Culture & Arts Centre by Zaha Hadid Architects incorporates a contemporary art museum (MICA), an 1,800-seat theatre with supporting facilities and a multipurpose hall. Its organic architectural language is defined by pedestrian routes that weave through the site to connect with neighbouring streets.



Providing views of the adjacent Meixi Lake from the city and giving access to the parks and walking trails on the lake’s Festival Island, this ensemble of three separate cultural institutions creates external courtyards where pedestrian routes intersect for outdoor events and sculpture exhibitions.

The largest and most versatile cultural centre in Hunan province, the Culture & Arts Centre connects directly with its station on Line 2 of Changsha’s new Metro System.

Located on historic trade routes through China, the city of Changsha’s traditions as an important centre of communications continues as one of the country’s leading media hubs with the centre’s Grand Theatre hosting a popular programme of performances and television productions.



Designed for the widest variety of performing arts, the Grand Theatre provides all front-of-house functions in sculpted lobbies, bars and hospitality suites, as well as the necessary ancillary functions including administration offices, rehearsal studios, backstage logistics, wardrobe and dressing rooms.

With eight juxtaposed exhibition galleries totalling 10,000 sq.m centred around an atrium for large-scale installations and events, the MICA art museum also includes dedicated spaces for community workshops, a lecture theatre, café and museum shop.

The Small Theatre is characterized by its flexibility. This multipurpose hall with a capacity of 500 seats can be transformed to different configurations to accommodate a broad range of functions and performances that span from small plays, fashion shows and music performances to banquets and commercial events.

Totalling 115,000 sq.m, these three civic institutions are uniquely defined and separate, yet complement each other with different opening times creating vitality throughout the day and evening. The theatre becomes active as the art museum begins to conclude its day-time operations, whilst the variety of events in the smaller theatre ensure it will be used at all times.



Architect: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)

Design: Zaha Hadid, Patrik Schumacher

ZHA Project Director: Woody Yao, Simon Yu

ZHA Project Leader: Simon Yu

ZHA Project Team: Zhenjiang Guo, Charles Kwan, Jinqi Huang, Neil Sansom, Pravin Ghosh, Thomas Jensen, Justin Kelly, Wandy Mulia, Uli Schifferdecker, Adrian Aguirre Herrera, Aurora Santana, Koren Sin, Johanna Huang, Yifan Zhang, Collin Spelts, Fei Liang, Adam Fingrut, Yitzhak Samun

ZHA Schematic Design: Zhenjiang Guo, Charles Kwan, Jinqi Huang

ZHA Museum Design: Tariq Khayyat, Kutbuddin Nadiadi, Diego Rossel, Gerry Cruz, Matteo Melioli, Xiaosheng Li, Yuxi Fu, Thomas Jensen, Matthew Johnson, Justin Kelly, Drew Merkle


ZHA Competition Team

ZHA Project Architect: Tiago Correia

ZHA Project Team: Victor Orive, Fabiano Continanza. Zhenjiang Guo, Danilo Arsic, Ines Fontoura, Rafael González, Alejandro Díaz, Jimena Araiza

ZHA Concept Development: Hannes Schafelner, Philipp Ostermaier, Jakub Klaska, Maren Klasing, Saman Saffarian, Martin Krcha, Maria Tsironi, Spyridon Kaprinis


Competition Consultants

Structural, Facade & Building Services Engineering: BuroHappold Engineering

Theatre Consultants: Theatre Projects Consultants

Acoustics Consultants: Marshall Day Acoustics



Local Design Institute: Guangzhou Pearl River Foreign Investment Architectural Designing Institute (Guangzhou, China)

Structural Engineers & Building Services: Guangzhou Pearl River Foreign Investment Architectural Designing Institute (Guangzhou, China)

Specialist Acoustics Consultants to the Architect: Marshall Day Acoustics (Hong Kong & Melbourne)

Project Acoustical Consultants: Zhang Kuisheng Acoustical Design Research Studio (Shanghai, China)

Theatre Management Consultants: Poly Theatre Engineering Consultancy (Beijing) Co. Ltd.

Theatre Equipment Consultants: Kunkel Theatre Engineering & Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Museum Management Consultants: Global Cultural Asset Management (New York)

Transport Consultants: Sinclair Knight Merz (Shanghai, China)

Project Management: Shanghai Gao Shen Consultants Ltd. (Shanghai, China)




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