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CNSD_ Campus of the national sports center of la defense, fontainebleau

프랑스 퐁텐블로 숲의 군용 스포츠 콤플렉스

등록일 2019년12월04일 10시24분 URL복사 기사스크랩 프린트하기 이메일문의 쪽지신고하기
기사글축소 기사글확대 트위터로 보내기싸이월드 공감 네이버 밴드 공유

CNSD_ Campus of the national sports center of la defense, fontainebleau

프랑스 퐁텐블로 숲의 군용 스포츠 콤플렉스






숲의 환경과 조화로움을 추구한 간결한 건축


CNSD는 프랑스 일드프랑스주 센에마른 테파르트망(Department)의 휴양지 퐁텐블로 숲의 가장자리에 위치한 군대 스포츠 훈련장이다. 지난 50년 동안 분산된 형태로 존재했던 이 시설은 새로운 개선을 필요로 했다. 이에 프랑스 국방부는 군용 스포츠 복합시설로 부지 전체를 재개발하는 프로젝트에 착수하게 된다. 먼저 프랑스 국방부는 새롭게 조성되는 건축 환경의 영향력을 최소화하는 동시에 조경을 재정비함으로써 환경을 개선하고자 하였다. 무엇보다 이곳의 최대 자산이라고 할 수 있는 숲을 보호하는 동시에 보행자 전용도로를 통해 모든 시설로 이동할 수 있는 새로운 단지 구조로 재구성하였다.


입구에서 직선으로 길게 뻗은 보행자 전용도로는 커다란 상징성이 부여된 ‘Place d’Armes’와 ‘Esplanade des Sports’로 연결된다. 건물의 외형은 단순하지만 목재, 금속, 유리의 재료를 통해 리듬감을 부여한다. 이러한 연속적 흐름은 수목으로 뒤덮인 주변 환경과의 조화를 이루고 있다. 새로운 지휘본부는 Place d’Armes의 바로 뒤편에 자리한다. 전체적으로 건물은 군대의 강인성과 안정감을 반영하고 있기에 충분하다. 건물의 규모 역시 주변 건물들의 배치계획과 잘 어우러져 있다. 3층 규모의 건물의 꺾인 부분은 두 개의 날개로 구성되며 파사드는 목재와 유리패널을 통해 간결함을 더한다.



Esplanade des Sports의 가장자리를 따라 새로운 스포츠 시설들이 자리한다. 50m 규모의 풀장과 도장, 음식점으로 구성된 수영장은 7,200㎡ 규모로 주거단지와 나란히 배치되어 있다. 체육관은 7,000㎡ 규모로 Esplanade des Sports의 길목에 위치한다. 이 두 시설은 건물과 대지의 관계를 적절히 분리하는 동시에 숲 속의 다양한 스포츠 활동들을 조망할 수 있다는 것이 특징적이다. ANN



Photo by Arnaud Schelstraete



For the last 50 years, at the edge of the forest of Fontainebleau, the CNSD has housed the full range of sports training of the French military. The uncoordinated layout of the site, the dispersion of infrastructures that have become obsolete and the determination to open this military sports complex to sporting members of civil society to guarantee to all, the possibility of practicing sports at a high level in an exceptional location led the Ministry of Defense to undertake an ambitious project to redevelop the entire site.



The spatial reorganization is carried out in 3 phases. Cleaning, calming and clarifying the campus in order to reduce the footprint of the built environment and reorganize the reserves of landscaped property to restore the ambiance of a clearing, an atmosphere of being in the heart of the forest, by restoring the maximum amount of surface area to the forest. Structure the le site thanks to a new urban framework from the entrance all the way to the sports plateau serving all the facilities. Two new places charged with powerful symbolism – the Place d’Armes and the Esplanade des Sports – connected by a pedestrian mall linking the features of the site and organizing its circulations. Qualify the new sequence by inserting light buildings, whose lines echo the forested character of the campus. Gentle and peaceful yet decidedly contemporary architecture, whose variations are expressed through the reference material, i.e., wood. The new command center building stands at the back of the Place d’Armes.



Visible from the street, it reflects the strength and serenity the military character of the site. The pure volumetry of the building is marked by a sharp inflection of the center, resulting from the projection of the alinement of the buildings containing housing. Its form heralds the overall composition of the Campus. A triple-height hall crosses between at the two wings at their inflexion point, punctuating the strict alternation between the wood and glass panels. The new sports halls rise along the edges of the sports esplanade. The “pool” or swimming hall, with a 50 m pool, a dojo and a restaurant, stands in alignment with the housing units while the athletics hall closes off the esplanade. The two halls are similar in conception. A vast roof with two slopes with a constellation of lanterns overhanging the gables to form an awning and curve back in long swathes to cover the facades of the 1st floor while the façades of the ground floors are all clad in glass overlooking the various sports activities in the forest, while detaching the halls from the ground.




Partner, Barthélémy - Griño architectes, since 1984, Consultant architect to the Ministère de l’équipement, since 2006/ Awards_ Commended, Prix de l’Equerre d’Argent(2003), Shortlisted, Prix de l’Equerre d’Argent(2002), Shortlisted, Prix de la Première Œuvre(1990), Bronze medal from la Société pour la promotion de l'Industrie Nationale(1987), Winner Villa Médicis Hors-les-Murs(1985), Selected for the Albums de la jeune Architecture(1985), Diploma from l'Ecole d'Architecture de Paris La Défense(1984)/ Teaching_ Lecturer_ École d’Architecture, de la Ville & des Territoires, since 2000, École d’Architecture de Paris La Défense(1997-2000), École d’Architecture de Bretagne(1994-1997)/ Project tutor_ Architectural Association. School of Architecture, London(1995-2001)/ External examiner_ University of East London Royal Institute of British Architects Part One examination,(2001-2002)/ Visiting lecturer_ École d’Architecture, Université de Montréal(2006)/ Jurys_ Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio(2008-2009), Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées(2004-2006), University of Cambridge(2000-2001).





Partner, Barthélémy & Griño architectes, since 1984/ Consultant architect for la Mission Interministérielle pour la Qualité de la Construction Publique(MIQCP)(the French government inter-departmental mission for quality in public sector construction), since 2006/ Awards_ Commended, Prix de l’Equerre d’Argent(2003), Shortlisted, Prix de l’Equerre d’Argent(2002), Shortlisted, Prix de la Première Œuvre(1990)/ Advanced diploma in architecture La Ville orientale, Paris 1988/ Diploma from the faculty of architecture, Montevideo 1984/ Teaching_ Visiting lecturer_ Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture, Paris 2003/ Jurys_ Ecole Boulle – Paris, May 2007.



Architects: Barthélémy & Griño

Client: citésports CNSD

Landcape Architects: D’ici là

Structural engineering : TESS

Energy Supplies Engineer : SNC Lavalin

Programme: Olympic swimming pool, dojos, fitness and gymnastics rooms, athletics track, restaurant, offices, soccer and rugby fields, landscape

Area: Swimming hall/ 7200㎡, Athlétic hall/ 7000㎡, Office/ 2750㎡



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