IT IS A GARDEN_ 잇츠 어 가든
빛과 그림자, 바람의 흐름이 공간 속에 살포시 녹아든 집...
집 내부에 다섯 개의 색깔 있는 중정을 품고 숲의 나무와 풀과 넉넉히 교감하다
잇츠 어 가든은 일본 나가노현의 카루이자와 숲에 둘러싸인 갤러리와 게스트하우스이다. 건물은 정방형의 반듯한 단층 건물로 구성되며 내부에 5개의 중정을 품고 있는 것이 특색 있다.
파사드는 노출콘크리트 매스와 검은 색 유리로 마감되어 내외부 공간을 명확하게 구분지어 준다. 내부 공간 곳곳을 채우고 있는 크고 긴 중정은 거실과 침실, 게스트룸, 갤러리 등의 영역에 녹색의 싱그러움과 개방감 있는 풍경을 선사해준다. 모든 객실은 저마다의 중정을 향하도록 디자인된 것이 특징적이다. 내부 지붕과 바닥 레벨의 빚어내는 다채로운 표정은 사뭇 리드미컬한 기하학 형태를 연출한다.
콘크리트 매스로 반듯하게 구획되어 하늘로 한껏 열린 중정의 지붕은 시시각각으로 변화하는 빛의 흐름과 그림자를 듬뿍 머금게 된다. 안뜰 깊숙이 파고드는 태양의 수직적인 상호작용은 주변의 자연경관과 수평적인 관계를 맺고 있다. 건축주는 집을 계획하면서 작업에 영감을 주는 사적인 공간을 원했다. 이에 어씨스턴트의 대표건축가는 빛과 그림자가 공간 전체에 녹아들 수 있도록 디자인했다. 무엇보다 햇빛과 달빛에 의해 각도가 변하는 조도를 계산하여 내부 공간으로의 유입되는 빛의 양을 적절히 조절하고자 했다. 치밀한 지붕의 각도와 처마의 깊이, 중정의 크기와 용도, 주변 숲의 그늘, 바람의 속도, 절제된 재료의 표현 등을 통해 빛과 그림자가 머물고 변화하는 공간을 구현할 수 있었다.
이처럼 잇츠 어 가든은 흡사 빛과 그림자가 집을 찾은 이웃처럼 공간 곳곳을 산책하듯 자유롭게 움직인다. 빛이 주인이 되는 동시에 가까운 동거자가 될 수 있다는 건축가의 의도를 충실히 반영하고 있다. 중정 내부의 유리월과 창을 통해 숲의 풍경을 반사하고 만화경같이 투영함으로써 공간은 더욱 풍성함으로 가득 차며, 밤이 되며 투명한 유리 월을 통해 내부의 풍경이 속살처럼 속속들이 드러난다.
잇츠 어 가든의 공간은 고요한 숲 속에 둘러싸여 빛과 바람, 그림자의 변화하는 움직임을 있는 그대로 받아들이는 넉넉한 자태로 갤러리와 게스트하우스의 복합 기능을 충실히 채워주고 있다.
김미현‧송예린 기자
Architects_ Megumi Matsubara, Hiroi Ariyama
자료_ ASSISTANT, Photos by assistant co.,ltd., DAICI ANO
IT IS A GARDEN stands in the forest of Karuizawa, surrounding and surrounded by the trees and plants of the forest. The house was designed as a guest house containing a private art gallery for the owner’s collection.
Its shape being flat and square, the one-story house has a floor plan entirely defined by five courtyards alone. All facades of the building are made of concrete walls and black glass, clearly dividing its interior space from the external environment. The house opens its reinforced concrete roof to the sky in order to create five courtyards. The exterior roofs tilt inwards only vertically inviting light as well as shadows and reflections of the surrounding nature. The interior roofs and floor levels consequently create rhythmical geometry to support the simplicity of the exterior. All rooms are designed to face the courtyards each of which is distinct in character designed to receive light at different times of the day. The sun rises and sets. The moon waxes and wanes. This unbroken rhythm of light, to which we submit the entire architecture, defines this house.
In the design of IT IS A GARDEN, the concept of vertical interplay of the sun through the courtyards crosses with the horizontal connection to the Japanese natural sceneries. The architecture’s volume is designed to receive those elements in all dimensions; the slants of light at ever-changing angles, the shadow of the forest trees, as well as komorebi—the interplay of light and leaves. They keep moving and draw a garden of shadows all over the floor at the speed of the moving sun and wind. The interior glass walls and windows create a garden of kaleidoscopic reflections of trees and plants projected on them from every courtyard.
Not only the courtyards, but such gardens made of immaterial elements that emerge between interplay of vertical and horizontal relationships to nature are also the gardens meaningfully designed in this house.
Light and shadows move freely as if they were the main inhabitants of this house. The client of the house desired it to be a private space to provide inspiration more than anything else. The architects answered that the first priority of this house should become the sunlight—light being the permanent host, closest cohabitant.
Megumi Matsubara(Tokyo, 1977) founded ASSISTANT together with Hiroi Ariyama and Motohiro Sunouchi in 2002, while they were students at the University of Tokyo. She holds Master of Interdisciplinary Studies, and in 2004 she received Master of Architecture Design from the Bartlett School of Architecture in London under Peter Cook. Her creation challenges one’s awareness of space. At ASSISTANT, she has directed research-oriented projects such as Absent City(2008) and Happy City(2003), besides diverse architectural projects. Her built work includes It Is a Garden(2016) and House of 33 Years(2013) designed with Hiroi Ariyama. Matsubara is based between Tokyo and Fes, Morocco, since 2012.
Hiroi Ariyama(Nara, 1978) founded ASSISTANT together with Megumi Matsubara and Motohiro Sunouchi in 2002, while they were students at the University of Tokyo, from which he received Master of Architecture. Between 2004-05 he received Pola Art Foundation Grant and practiced as an assistant architect in London. He operates and manages all architectural projects at ASSISTANT, and is involved in all projects from an architectural perspective. He also technically supports various spatial projects led by Megumi Matsubara. Their built projects together include It Is a Garden(2016) in Nagano and House of 33 Years(2013) in Nara which was selected for SD Review 2010. Ariyama currently resides and works in Tokyo.
Architecture Firm ASSISTANT / Hiroi Ariyama & Megumi Matsubara
Lead Architects Hiroi Ariyama & Megumi Matsubara
Location Nagano, Japan
Total floor area 475sqm
Built Area 523sqm
Structural engineer Konishi Structural Engineers
Construction company Niitsu Gumi
Client Private
Purpose Guest house & Private gallery
Site area 2,963sqm
Structure Reinforced concrete
Number of storeys 1
Project duration 36 months(from design through construction in total)
Photographer(s) credit Daici Ano, ASSISTANT *For the guidance of photo credits, please check PhotoCredit.txt in IMG folder enclosed in the material package